sunday morning rain was falling. not a maroon 5 song.
2: 30 pm i went downtown to catch a bus ride to the gym, where i was going to play a match with my volleyball team. it was set to start at 4 pm. we were supposed to be there one hour prior to the game. well, first i waited about 30 minutes for the bus. i was not dressed for the weather. i wasn't sure when to get off of the bus, so i asked the bus driver to make a stop at the right place. evedently, he forgot about me. when we came to the last stop the bus driver apologized he'd forgotten me. he told me there would come another bus in 5 minutes that could take me back where i was supposed to get off. the bus didn't come in over 20 minutes. by then, it was 4 pm and i had already missed the beginning of the game. i was sooo cold. i was super stressed and sat down next to an old lady. she was nice and started talking to me. i told her i was having problems finding the gym i was looking for. i was about the get off at a stop where i thought the gym was, but the old lady luckily stopped me. she told me that the name of the gym i was looking for wasn't here, but further on. thanks old nice lady! i had confused two gyms, and the gym i was supposed to be at was much closer than i had thought. i finally got off at the right stop (a stop which really only lies about a 10 minute bus ride from centro). i had used 1 1/2 hour.
Next time I'm taking the fun bus!
A ney day:(
TODAYS EVENTS (also including a bus):
8 am: Presentation in Ex.Phil. Went very well.
10am - 2pm: Watched four episodes of Prison Break Season 4. Muy bien.
2 pm: First sight of snow this year. Hurray!
3 pm: Flirted myself to getting inside information at the Apple store. Score.
4 pm: Tanning for the first time this season. Way to go.
6 pm: Bus ride to Haukelandshallen to practice. Discovered practice was cancelled because of a basketball game. Bummer.
6 - 7 pm: Decided to stick around at the game for a while; after all, i had payed the 23 kroners to get out there.
7 pm: Surprised by the amusing discovery of the art of basketball. Tall, dark and athletic sweaty guys. there was even cool rap music. Why on earth have I never thought about basketball as an arena to meet hot guys?
A yay day :)
tirsdag 28. oktober 2008
lørdag 25. oktober 2008
"Guttekvinnen" What the FUCK?!?
Denne saken er noe av det sykeste jeg har hørt om noensinne. Det skal innrømmes at jeg også er litt fascinert av denne sanne historien. Det høres ut som en dårlig psyko-thriller i regi av Woody Allen på 80-tallet. Here it goes:
Tsjekkiske Barbora Skrlova (33) er datter av en av lederne i en er internasjonal sekt ved navn «The Grail Movement». Sekten har ca. 20 000 medlemmer på verdensbasis. Den nyreligiøse kultbevegelsen oppstod i Østerrike for rundt 70 år siden, og brorparten av medlemmene bor i Tyskland og Frankrike. I forbindelse med flere barnemishandlingssaker er mange av sektens medlemmer i politiets søkelys i land som Tsjekkia.
Barbora forsvant i kjølvannet av oppdagelsen av en av de groveste barnemishandlingssakene i Tsjekkias historie. En åtte går gammel gutt ble funnet bundet med teip og kraftig dehydrert av en nabo. Politiet mente at åtteåringen hadde blitt mishandlet over en periode på minst et halvt år. Han skal blant annet ha blitt tvangsmatet med sitt eget oppkast. Barbora ble etterlyst som hovedvitne i barnemishandlingssaken, men var så godt som forduftet da det tsjekkiske politiet kom etter henne.
I september 2007 begynte en 13 år gammel elev under falsk identitet med navn "Adam" på ved Marienlyst skole i Oslo. Gutten var asosial og holdt for seg selv. Han fortalte om fysisk mishandling og pedofilovergrep i fortiden, og bad derfor om ikke å bli tatt bilde av, i redsel om at noen av overgreperne skulle finne han på internett. "Adam" bodde hos "foreldrene", en kvinne og en mann (en 43-år gammel forfatter og teaterinstruktør).
Heng med nå: I Tsjekkia hadde foreldrene til en 13-år gammel gutt med navn Adam, meldt sin sønn som savnet. I samarbeid med Adams ordentlige foreldre, fremstilte 43-åringen Barbora som sin sønn for norske myndigheter. Både 43-åringen og Barbora hadde med andre ord falsk identitet under deres 3 måneder lange opphold i Norge. Barbora holdt seg skjult i Norge. Den ordentlige Adam var hele tiden i god behold i Tsjekkia.
Etter at lærere på Marienlyst hadde reagert på "Adam"s sosiale forhold hjemme, ble han tvangsflyttet til et barne- og ungdomshjem i Oslo i desember. 16. desmber rømte han. Fredag 4. januar gikk Oslo politidistrikt ut med bilde og beskrivelse av en den savnede "Adam". Personen som var avbildet kom raskt til rette etter tips fra publikum. Det viste seg at dette ikke var snakk om den savnede tenåringsgutten, men den 33 år gamle etterlyste Barbora Skrlova som hadde brukt hans identitet.
Så, "Adam" ble etter 3 måneder som elev ved Marienlyst avslørt av internasjonalt politi til å være den etterlyste Barbora Skrlova. Hun ble tatt tilbake til Tsjekkia, hvor hun i dag, 25. oktober 2008, ble dømt til 5 års fengsel. Retten konkluderte med at hun ikke var psykisk syk. Både Skrlova og hennes 43-åringe "far" ble blant annet siktet for falsk forklaring.
Så jeg spør, hvordan i helvete er det mulig å lure et samfunn så til di grader rundt? Jeg mener, en 34-årig kvinne; en 13 årig gutt? Saken ble riktignok oppklart, men tidsperioden narrespillet fikk gå sin gang er jo latterlig. Jeg er totalt forskrekket over at noe sånn i det hele tatt går an. Men fucking fascinert.
Tsjekkiske Barbora Skrlova (33) er datter av en av lederne i en er internasjonal sekt ved navn «The Grail Movement». Sekten har ca. 20 000 medlemmer på verdensbasis. Den nyreligiøse kultbevegelsen oppstod i Østerrike for rundt 70 år siden, og brorparten av medlemmene bor i Tyskland og Frankrike. I forbindelse med flere barnemishandlingssaker er mange av sektens medlemmer i politiets søkelys i land som Tsjekkia.
Barbora forsvant i kjølvannet av oppdagelsen av en av de groveste barnemishandlingssakene i Tsjekkias historie. En åtte går gammel gutt ble funnet bundet med teip og kraftig dehydrert av en nabo. Politiet mente at åtteåringen hadde blitt mishandlet over en periode på minst et halvt år. Han skal blant annet ha blitt tvangsmatet med sitt eget oppkast. Barbora ble etterlyst som hovedvitne i barnemishandlingssaken, men var så godt som forduftet da det tsjekkiske politiet kom etter henne.
I september 2007 begynte en 13 år gammel elev under falsk identitet med navn "Adam" på ved Marienlyst skole i Oslo. Gutten var asosial og holdt for seg selv. Han fortalte om fysisk mishandling og pedofilovergrep i fortiden, og bad derfor om ikke å bli tatt bilde av, i redsel om at noen av overgreperne skulle finne han på internett. "Adam" bodde hos "foreldrene", en kvinne og en mann (en 43-år gammel forfatter og teaterinstruktør).
Heng med nå: I Tsjekkia hadde foreldrene til en 13-år gammel gutt med navn Adam, meldt sin sønn som savnet. I samarbeid med Adams ordentlige foreldre, fremstilte 43-åringen Barbora som sin sønn for norske myndigheter. Både 43-åringen og Barbora hadde med andre ord falsk identitet under deres 3 måneder lange opphold i Norge. Barbora holdt seg skjult i Norge. Den ordentlige Adam var hele tiden i god behold i Tsjekkia.
Etter at lærere på Marienlyst hadde reagert på "Adam"s sosiale forhold hjemme, ble han tvangsflyttet til et barne- og ungdomshjem i Oslo i desember. 16. desmber rømte han. Fredag 4. januar gikk Oslo politidistrikt ut med bilde og beskrivelse av en den savnede "Adam". Personen som var avbildet kom raskt til rette etter tips fra publikum. Det viste seg at dette ikke var snakk om den savnede tenåringsgutten, men den 33 år gamle etterlyste Barbora Skrlova som hadde brukt hans identitet.
Så, "Adam" ble etter 3 måneder som elev ved Marienlyst avslørt av internasjonalt politi til å være den etterlyste Barbora Skrlova. Hun ble tatt tilbake til Tsjekkia, hvor hun i dag, 25. oktober 2008, ble dømt til 5 års fengsel. Retten konkluderte med at hun ikke var psykisk syk. Både Skrlova og hennes 43-åringe "far" ble blant annet siktet for falsk forklaring.
Så jeg spør, hvordan i helvete er det mulig å lure et samfunn så til di grader rundt? Jeg mener, en 34-årig kvinne; en 13 årig gutt? Saken ble riktignok oppklart, men tidsperioden narrespillet fikk gå sin gang er jo latterlig. Jeg er totalt forskrekket over at noe sånn i det hele tatt går an. Men fucking fascinert.
torsdag 23. oktober 2008
fascination: vicky cristina barcelona
"Vicky Cristina Barcelona" is a 2008 film by Academy Award-winning writer-director Woody Allen. The film was shot in Avilés, Barcelona and Oviedo. The plot centers around two American women, Vicky and Cristina, vacationing in Barcelona. There, the women meet an artist, and the three quickly develop a relationship. The artist, however, is still enamored of his mentally unstable ex-wife [from Wikipedia].
I went to the movies last night with my cousin and we saw this movie. In the past I have never been a big fan of the works on Allen, but this movie surprised me in a positive way. I felt strangly inspired by it afterwards and wanted to paint. Silly.
This is a seemingly plotless movie, yet I found it undeniably interesting. Javier Bardem stars as the Don Juan character Juan Antonio. Bardem is a brilliant actor, and is probably one of my favorite actors in the world. The 39-year old spanish actor has starred in great ovies as "Before Night Falls" (2000), a movie I recommend highly. Last year he portrayed the grotesque serial killer Anton Chigurh in the bizarre movie "No Country for Old Men".
Vicky and Cristina are two american friends who go to Barcelona for the summer.
Scarlett Johansson, in the role of Cristina, is a spontaneous and unsure girl who chases highs, while her friend Vicky (Rebecca Hall) is practical and traditional in her approach to love and commitment. They encounter Juan Antonio,
who is an eccentric artist who offers them to fly to Oviedo with him to get to know each other better. This is the beginning of fast and dramatic relationships, whereas Juan Antonio's ex-wife María Elena(Penelope Cruz) also enter the story.
María Elena is nevrotic and charming, and has recently attempted suicide. After being hospitalized, Juan Antonio takes her into his home. Being lovers, Cristina also shares recidence with Juan Antonio. The three of them develops a harmonic relationship. Cristina persues her passion for photography, while María Elena and Juan Antonio continues their artistic duties. They threesome inspire each other. Vicky, on the other hand, is also attracted to Juan Antonio, even though she has recently married her reliable but unromantic Doug. I absolutely loved Cruz's portrayal in the movie. She definietly deserves an Oscar nomination for the part. One of the quotes I really liked was when Maria Elena stated that "only unfulfilled love can be romantic". Isn't that just so true?
The end is vert dramatic and unfulfilling. I liked that the movie was reckless but realistic. It could've happend. What I loved the most was the scenery, Barcelona. I visited the city this summer, and recognized many of the most famous places, like the rooftop of the Casa Milà, Cathedral of Santa Eulalia and the the Sagrada Família, all gotic constructions by the famous architect Gaudí. Vicky is getting her masters in Catalan Identity, a project spawned by her love of the works of Gaudí.
Works of Antoni Gaudí:
Rooftop of Casa Mila
Outside view of the asymmetric Casa Mila
The unfinished cathedral Sagrada Familia
The gothic Cathedral of Barcelona
Different quotes from the movie:
She had reluctantly accepted suffering as an inevitable component of deep passion, and was resigned to putting her feelings at risk. If you asked her what it was she was gambling her emotions on to win, she would not have been able to say. She only knew what she didn't want.
So for a, a brief moment of
passion, she completely
abandons all responsibilities
So, uh, tell me, why won’t your
father publish his poems?
Well, because he hates the world,
and that’s his way of getting back
at them -- to create beautiful
works and deny them to
the public, which I think, it’s...
My God. Well, what makes him
so...angry toward the human race?
Mm, because after thousands of
years of civilization...they still
haven’t learned to love.
Maria Elena used to say that...only
unfulfilled love can be romantic.
tirsdag 21. oktober 2008
mandag 20. oktober 2008
tropical melancholia
some say that the rainwashes in the caribbean are biblical. same goes for the music... here are the top songs which reminds me of my Cuba.
Aventura - "Obsesión"
Daddy Yankee - "Ella me Lavanto"
Mach & Daddy - "Pasame la Botella"
Orishas ft. Heather Headley - "Represent, Cuba"
Rocío Dúrcal - "Fue Un Placer Conocerte"
vertsmoren min Melva hørte alltid på Rocio Durcal på kjøkkenet. Jeg hatet det hele tiden, inntil morgenen jeg skulle dra. Da hørte jeg på lyrikken til denne sangen, og den fikk en plass en mi corazon, lizzom:)
Manu Chao - "Mentira"
manu chao er kongen, det er alle enige om.
Nelly Furtado ft Juanes - "Te Busque"
Julieta Vengas - "Limon y Sal""
Julieta Vengas - "Me Voy""
Sublime - "Santeria"
This song reminds me of my best friend, Renate, who has the voice of an angel. She would always sing this song when playing the guitar when we were in Cuba. "Santeria" is an afro-cuban religion that I find very interesting. Renate and I once randomly came across a real Santeria-seremony in a private house in the city of Trinidad. A man became "posessed" by an "orisha" (god) from above... His eyes looked hypotized and he fell to the ground with spasmic moves. An incredible experience...
Eddy K - "La Gente Que Me Quiere"
Enrique Iglesias - Dimelo
Orishas - "Mujer"
The lead singer in Orishas touched me while performing at the Roskilde Festival summer '08 in Denmark . I stood at the very front and screamed hysterically. Now that was fun!
4 Non Blondes - "What's Up"
The Cranberries - "Zombie"
RHCP - "Californiacation"
These three last songs does not really have anything to do with Cuba, except the fact that they always were sung by the cubans on the late nights at the Malecon. For some reason, they knew the english lyrics and jammed along with the guitarra! what a view.
Molotov - "Gimme the Power"
La policia te esta extorsionando (dinero!)
pero ellos viven de lo que tu estas pagando
y si te tratan como a un delincuente (ladron!)
no es tu culpa, dale gracias al regente.
Hay que arrancar el problema de raiz,
y cambiar al gobierno de nuestro pais,
a la gente que esta en la burocracia,
a esa gente que le gustan las migajas.
Yo por eso me quejo y me quejo,
porque aqui es donde vivo y yo ya no soy un pendejo
el que no wachas, los puestos del gobierno,
hay personas que se estan enriqueciendo.
Gente que vive en la pobreza,
nadie hace nada porque a nadie le interesa
Es la gente de arriba te detesta
hay mas gente que quiere que caigan sus cabezas.
Si le das mas poder al poder,
mas duro te van a venir a coger
porque fuimos potencia mundial
somos pobres, nos manejan mal
Dame dame dame dame todo el power
para que te demos en la madre
Gimme gimme gimme gimme todo el poder
so I can come around to joder (2x)
Dámele, dámele, dámele, dámele todo el poder
Dámele, dámele, dámele, dámele todo el power (2x)
Así es, ¡puto! - ¡Fuck you puto baboso!
Porque no nacimos donde no hay qué comer
No hay por qué preguntarnos cómo le vamos a hacer
Si nos pintan como a unos huevones
No lo somos, ¡viva México, cabrones!
¡Que se sienta el power mexicano!
¡Que se sienta!, todos juntos como hermanos
Porque somos más, jalamos más parejo
Porque está siguiendo a una bola de pendejos
Que nos llevan por donde les conviene
Y es nuestro sudor lo que los mantiene
Los mantiene comiendo pan caliente
Ese pan es el pan de nuestra gente
R (4x)
El pueblo unido, jamas será vencido
El Tito y el Huidos, jamas serán vencidos
This song is major in latin america.
Aventura - "Obsesión"
Daddy Yankee - "Ella me Lavanto"
Mach & Daddy - "Pasame la Botella"
Orishas ft. Heather Headley - "Represent, Cuba"
Rocío Dúrcal - "Fue Un Placer Conocerte"
vertsmoren min Melva hørte alltid på Rocio Durcal på kjøkkenet. Jeg hatet det hele tiden, inntil morgenen jeg skulle dra. Da hørte jeg på lyrikken til denne sangen, og den fikk en plass en mi corazon, lizzom:)
Manu Chao - "Mentira"
manu chao er kongen, det er alle enige om.
Nelly Furtado ft Juanes - "Te Busque"
Julieta Vengas - "Limon y Sal""
Julieta Vengas - "Me Voy""
Sublime - "Santeria"
This song reminds me of my best friend, Renate, who has the voice of an angel. She would always sing this song when playing the guitar when we were in Cuba. "Santeria" is an afro-cuban religion that I find very interesting. Renate and I once randomly came across a real Santeria-seremony in a private house in the city of Trinidad. A man became "posessed" by an "orisha" (god) from above... His eyes looked hypotized and he fell to the ground with spasmic moves. An incredible experience...
Eddy K - "La Gente Que Me Quiere"
Enrique Iglesias - Dimelo
Orishas - "Mujer"
The lead singer in Orishas touched me while performing at the Roskilde Festival summer '08 in Denmark . I stood at the very front and screamed hysterically. Now that was fun!
4 Non Blondes - "What's Up"
The Cranberries - "Zombie"
RHCP - "Californiacation"
These three last songs does not really have anything to do with Cuba, except the fact that they always were sung by the cubans on the late nights at the Malecon. For some reason, they knew the english lyrics and jammed along with the guitarra! what a view.
Molotov - "Gimme the Power"
La policia te esta extorsionando (dinero!)
pero ellos viven de lo que tu estas pagando
y si te tratan como a un delincuente (ladron!)
no es tu culpa, dale gracias al regente.
Hay que arrancar el problema de raiz,
y cambiar al gobierno de nuestro pais,
a la gente que esta en la burocracia,
a esa gente que le gustan las migajas.
Yo por eso me quejo y me quejo,
porque aqui es donde vivo y yo ya no soy un pendejo
el que no wachas, los puestos del gobierno,
hay personas que se estan enriqueciendo.
Gente que vive en la pobreza,
nadie hace nada porque a nadie le interesa
Es la gente de arriba te detesta
hay mas gente que quiere que caigan sus cabezas.
Si le das mas poder al poder,
mas duro te van a venir a coger
porque fuimos potencia mundial
somos pobres, nos manejan mal
Dame dame dame dame todo el power
para que te demos en la madre
Gimme gimme gimme gimme todo el poder
so I can come around to joder (2x)
Dámele, dámele, dámele, dámele todo el poder
Dámele, dámele, dámele, dámele todo el power (2x)
Así es, ¡puto! - ¡Fuck you puto baboso!
Porque no nacimos donde no hay qué comer
No hay por qué preguntarnos cómo le vamos a hacer
Si nos pintan como a unos huevones
No lo somos, ¡viva México, cabrones!
¡Que se sienta el power mexicano!
¡Que se sienta!, todos juntos como hermanos
Porque somos más, jalamos más parejo
Porque está siguiendo a una bola de pendejos
Que nos llevan por donde les conviene
Y es nuestro sudor lo que los mantiene
Los mantiene comiendo pan caliente
Ese pan es el pan de nuestra gente
R (4x)
El pueblo unido, jamas será vencido
El Tito y el Huidos, jamas serán vencidos
This song is major in latin america.
søndag 19. oktober 2008
when i grow up i wanna have groupies ♫
saturday night was a blast with the girls. id decided to stay home this weekend. see, ive started seeing a trace with me and drinking. it usually leads so trouble. anyways, me, marthe and lu had a beer and drank it real fast. wer crazy, i know. my best friend, kjersti who lives in oslo, were with us via web cam. me and marthe went bananas with Beautiful Liar playing on the Voice. She was Beyonce and i Shakira. we imitated them and i would say we did a good job. i almost peed my pants.
yes. i am very easily amused.
i got a text asking if i was out from this guy. i said i was dancing intimately with marthe at home in the living room. he replied that i was dancing with the wrong person. marthe took my phone and answered Nope. - Ok. ok? hah.
in other news, i actually was asked to go to the movies with this other guy. that was nice. i had other plans though. i actually dont think ive ever been asked to the movies by a guy before. thats kibda sad. i blame the society! its not really normal to ask someone to go on a "date" or whatever here. i think we could learn a few things from the US.
this is random, but id like to put this vid. out, Ms Jackson with Outcast. Its a classic. i spesifically love the scene with the owl in the back: For eva? For eva eva?
i know the quality is shitty, but all the other vids were "embedding disabled by request" i hate that.
yes. i am very easily amused.
i got a text asking if i was out from this guy. i said i was dancing intimately with marthe at home in the living room. he replied that i was dancing with the wrong person. marthe took my phone and answered Nope. - Ok. ok? hah.
in other news, i actually was asked to go to the movies with this other guy. that was nice. i had other plans though. i actually dont think ive ever been asked to the movies by a guy before. thats kibda sad. i blame the society! its not really normal to ask someone to go on a "date" or whatever here. i think we could learn a few things from the US.
this is random, but id like to put this vid. out, Ms Jackson with Outcast. Its a classic. i spesifically love the scene with the owl in the back: For eva? For eva eva?
i know the quality is shitty, but all the other vids were "embedding disabled by request" i hate that.
lørdag 18. oktober 2008
"Rebel Without a Cause"
James Deans virkelige gjennombrudd fikk han i Nicholas Ray’s kultfilm ”Rebel Without a Cause” (1955), der han evigjorde rollen som den rebelske og sensitive Jim Stark.
Rebel cover: James Dean in his infamous red lether jacket
“You're tearing me apart! Boy, if I had one day when I didn't have to be all confused and I didn't have to feel that I was ashamed of everything... If I felt that I belonged someplace. You know?”
– James Dean som ”Jim Stark”.
”Rebel Without a Cause” (norsk: ”Rotløs Ungdom”) handler om den plagede syttenåringen Jim Stark, som har flyttet med foreldrene sine til en ny by i Los Angeles. De har flyttet nærmest som nomader, og sønnen er lei av at foreldrene flykter hver gang noe skjærer seg. Begynnelsen av filmen viser en beruset og melankolsk Jim som blir tatt inn på politistasjonen, hvor hans første sammenstøt med den småklengete Plato (Sal Mino) utspiller seg. En sterk emosjonell scene utspiller seg på stasjonen mellom Jim, overbetjenten og hans foreldre og bestemor. På stasjonen befinner også Judy seg. Neste dag kommer han i kontakt med Judy (Natalie Woods) på skoleveien, en søt pike som viser seg å være kjæresten til Buzz, lederen i den lokale ungdomsgjengen. Allerede etter første dag på Dawson High School kommer Jim strid med Buzz og gjengen hans. For å beskytte sitt gode navn og rykte, føler Stark at han må bevise at han ikke er en pyse, og tar han imot Buzz’s utfordring om å konkurrere i et 'chicky run'. Det går ut på å kjøre om kapp mot en kystklippe, hvor den første som kaster seg ut, blir erklært som 'chicken'. Under racet oppstår det tekniske problemer i Buzz sin bil - han klarer ikke kaste seg ut i tide - og blir med bilen utfor kanten. Konsekvensen er fatal; han dør. En sjokkert Jim flykter mens politiet ankommer ulykkesstedet. Han blir oppsøkt av en nedbrutt Judy og de finner trøst i hverandre.Sammen med Plato, forskanser de seg i et ubebodd villa, oppe i høyden av byen. De hevngjerrige vennene til den avdøde Buzz tar opp jakten etter Jim, og sniker seg inn på dem i huset. Den overbeskyttende Plato, som endelig har funnet en venn, tar frem en pistol han har funnet hjemme og skyter den ene gutten i benet. I panikk gjemmer Plato seg i skolebygningen, hvor han fort blir omringet av politi. Stark innser at Plato har psykiske problemer, og Jim og Judy kommer seg inn i bygningen og forsøker å snakke Plato ut av knipen. Jim snakker rolig med Plato og spør han om å få ta en titt på pistolen. Diskré fjerner han ammunisjonen og gir pistolen tilbake. Etter godsnakking klarer Jim å overbevise Plato om å overgi seg, og de kommer rolig ut mens politiets holder et nært øye med dem. Men da politiets lyskaster plutselig blir rettet mot Plato, løfter han hendene for å skygge mot det sterke lyset, og pistolen blir oppfattet som truende. Idet Jim håpløst skriker ut at det den ikke har kuler, blir Plato skutt i brystet. Han faller om og Jim kaster seg over ham i en opprivende scene. Jims far forstår ham endelig, og sier: ”Come on Jim, stand up... I'll stand up with you... I'll try to be as brave and strong as you want me to be.”
”Rebel Without a Cause” tar for seg et vidt motivspekter, der tenåringsangst og forelderopprør er hovedtema. Filmen griper også om tema som rådløse foreldre og den mannsdominerte stillingen i samfunnet. På mange områder var filmen revolusjonerende og unik for sin tid. Tenåringsangsten er et gjennomgående tema i filmen. Spesielt Deans lidende og selvdestruktive karakter gjenspeiler dette, som for eksempel da han sier: ”I don't know what to do anymore. Except maybe die...“ Filmen handler tar også for seg temaet om den macho-stillingen menn har i samfunnet, som vi for eksempel blir vitne til i "chicky-run'et" mellom Buzz og Jim. Buzz: “You know something? I like you.” Jim: “Why do we do this?” Buzz: “You've gotta do something. Don't you?”
Igjen søker Deans’ filmkarakter etter gjensidig kjærlighet. Kjærligheten han ikke synes å oppleve i sin dystfunksjonelle familie, prøver han å finne hos nye venner; men som egentlig bare leder han til videre trøbbel. Nøkkelen bak Deans suksess i ”Rebel Without a Cause”, var trolig at det var lett å identifisere seg med den rebelske tenåringskarakteren. I filmen trosset Dean foreldrene sine på en måte som ikke var sett før, og satte dermed fingeren på det relativt nye kulturelle og generasjonsbestemte opprørfenomenet hos datidens ungdom. Dean ble en representant for ”Babyboomerne” og ”Beatgenerasjonen” (samlebegrep om ’ungdomsrevolusjonen’ som oppstod i USA og resten av verden i 1940- og 60-årene).
Les mer om min obsesjon med James Dean her:
Rebel cover: James Dean in his infamous red lether jacket
“You're tearing me apart! Boy, if I had one day when I didn't have to be all confused and I didn't have to feel that I was ashamed of everything... If I felt that I belonged someplace. You know?”
– James Dean som ”Jim Stark”.
”Rebel Without a Cause” (norsk: ”Rotløs Ungdom”) handler om den plagede syttenåringen Jim Stark, som har flyttet med foreldrene sine til en ny by i Los Angeles. De har flyttet nærmest som nomader, og sønnen er lei av at foreldrene flykter hver gang noe skjærer seg. Begynnelsen av filmen viser en beruset og melankolsk Jim som blir tatt inn på politistasjonen, hvor hans første sammenstøt med den småklengete Plato (Sal Mino) utspiller seg. En sterk emosjonell scene utspiller seg på stasjonen mellom Jim, overbetjenten og hans foreldre og bestemor. På stasjonen befinner også Judy seg. Neste dag kommer han i kontakt med Judy (Natalie Woods) på skoleveien, en søt pike som viser seg å være kjæresten til Buzz, lederen i den lokale ungdomsgjengen. Allerede etter første dag på Dawson High School kommer Jim strid med Buzz og gjengen hans. For å beskytte sitt gode navn og rykte, føler Stark at han må bevise at han ikke er en pyse, og tar han imot Buzz’s utfordring om å konkurrere i et 'chicky run'. Det går ut på å kjøre om kapp mot en kystklippe, hvor den første som kaster seg ut, blir erklært som 'chicken'. Under racet oppstår det tekniske problemer i Buzz sin bil - han klarer ikke kaste seg ut i tide - og blir med bilen utfor kanten. Konsekvensen er fatal; han dør. En sjokkert Jim flykter mens politiet ankommer ulykkesstedet. Han blir oppsøkt av en nedbrutt Judy og de finner trøst i hverandre.Sammen med Plato, forskanser de seg i et ubebodd villa, oppe i høyden av byen. De hevngjerrige vennene til den avdøde Buzz tar opp jakten etter Jim, og sniker seg inn på dem i huset. Den overbeskyttende Plato, som endelig har funnet en venn, tar frem en pistol han har funnet hjemme og skyter den ene gutten i benet. I panikk gjemmer Plato seg i skolebygningen, hvor han fort blir omringet av politi. Stark innser at Plato har psykiske problemer, og Jim og Judy kommer seg inn i bygningen og forsøker å snakke Plato ut av knipen. Jim snakker rolig med Plato og spør han om å få ta en titt på pistolen. Diskré fjerner han ammunisjonen og gir pistolen tilbake. Etter godsnakking klarer Jim å overbevise Plato om å overgi seg, og de kommer rolig ut mens politiets holder et nært øye med dem. Men da politiets lyskaster plutselig blir rettet mot Plato, løfter han hendene for å skygge mot det sterke lyset, og pistolen blir oppfattet som truende. Idet Jim håpløst skriker ut at det den ikke har kuler, blir Plato skutt i brystet. Han faller om og Jim kaster seg over ham i en opprivende scene. Jims far forstår ham endelig, og sier: ”Come on Jim, stand up... I'll stand up with you... I'll try to be as brave and strong as you want me to be.”
”Rebel Without a Cause” tar for seg et vidt motivspekter, der tenåringsangst og forelderopprør er hovedtema. Filmen griper også om tema som rådløse foreldre og den mannsdominerte stillingen i samfunnet. På mange områder var filmen revolusjonerende og unik for sin tid. Tenåringsangsten er et gjennomgående tema i filmen. Spesielt Deans lidende og selvdestruktive karakter gjenspeiler dette, som for eksempel da han sier: ”I don't know what to do anymore. Except maybe die...“ Filmen handler tar også for seg temaet om den macho-stillingen menn har i samfunnet, som vi for eksempel blir vitne til i "chicky-run'et" mellom Buzz og Jim. Buzz: “You know something? I like you.” Jim: “Why do we do this?” Buzz: “You've gotta do something. Don't you?”
Igjen søker Deans’ filmkarakter etter gjensidig kjærlighet. Kjærligheten han ikke synes å oppleve i sin dystfunksjonelle familie, prøver han å finne hos nye venner; men som egentlig bare leder han til videre trøbbel. Nøkkelen bak Deans suksess i ”Rebel Without a Cause”, var trolig at det var lett å identifisere seg med den rebelske tenåringskarakteren. I filmen trosset Dean foreldrene sine på en måte som ikke var sett før, og satte dermed fingeren på det relativt nye kulturelle og generasjonsbestemte opprørfenomenet hos datidens ungdom. Dean ble en representant for ”Babyboomerne” og ”Beatgenerasjonen” (samlebegrep om ’ungdomsrevolusjonen’ som oppstod i USA og resten av verden i 1940- og 60-årene).
Les mer om min obsesjon med James Dean her:
fredag 17. oktober 2008
tetris, the never ending circle and it-girls
eg og inger sitter side om side og spiller tetris. eg lar vinnerinstinktet kicke inn, og kommer med småkrasse kommentarer om hvorvidt eg ruler inger i tetris. inger blir gretten og kommenterer tilbake at eg er patetisk. eg vedgår at eg er patetisk og må se diskusjonen tapt.
Tetris - classic mind fuck.
i kveld er BOLLEKVELD. det går ut på at det er kveld og at det er boller med i bildet. vi småler litt av begrepet og lurer på om dersom dansker leser det, om de synes det høres kinky ut. det får de bare gjøre med det forvridde språket sitt.
liv unni uttrykker forresten at tore andre flo er folkets favoritt i "skal vi danse". han er sjarmerende klønete, og en anti-helt er aldri å fordra for det norske folk. henviser til kurt nilsen som vant idol i norge og deltok i world idol. han ble beskyldt av simon powell for å se ut som en hobbit. publikum sympatiserte, og vips! meiet han over kelly clarkson og stakk av med den gjeveste prisen.
Kurt Nilsen - den stereotypiske anti-helt.
oh; qute story: i walked down the streets the other day and this nice lady stopped me. she asked if i wanted a leaflet with the title: "If God loves us, he must care." i was hung over from last night and giggled a little before i responded: "Im an atheist." she gave me an encouraging look, shook her head and said: "Oh well..." end of story.
and, one more thing. i wanted to share a new vid with you guys. i find it very catchy as of now, but i suppouse the song will be seriously over-played by the radio stations in the following weeks, and i will end up hating it eventually. anyways, here it is:
Lady GaGa ft Colby O'Donis - Just Dance
she's suppousedly the new it-girl. "Just Dance" is featuring Colby O'Donis (also known as the new prodogy of Akon with the video "What You Got" - a very easily forgotten r'n'b song). Akon also appears in a sofa in "Just Dance". random? hardly. its how new stars get settled; by guest appearances of already established artists. see, it all started with Dr. Dre. His muse was Eminem. Eminem introduced 50 Cent, who started featuring artists like Akon and NeYo (i think). Akon has Colby O'Donis, who is now introducing Lada Gaga. The circle never ends! Theory of the day.
Circle: Eminem and Dr. Dre
this is not only a phenonomen in the music industry. we can rewind a couple of years and take a look on Andy Warhol and the groups surrounding his spotlight. we will find for example in his 1967 album cover for the Velvet Underground. His cover design of their first album (featuring a banana] became so famous that it will be remembered foremost for the cover and not the music.
Andy Warhols cover of "The Velvet Underground and Nico"
furthermore; warhol befriended the messed-up and rich Edie Sedgwick and made her his muse on social events. she bacame a star overnight, and is know to be one of the first "it-girls" in history (along with Marilyn and Audry).
"It-girl": Edie Sedgwick, Andy Warhols muse.
Sedgewick along with Lady GaGa, has also the english model/artist Agyness Dean been foreseen to become an it-girl in the medias. She also sings in the band Five O'Clock Heroes. Until recently she was a member of the now defunct group Lucky Knitwear. It has been rumoured that she has formed another band, Gene Jacket, but this is yet to be substantiated. She has recently announced engagement to Albert Hammond, Jr. of The Strokes.
"It-girl": Agyness Deyn, supermodel/artist.
so, question: how does one become an it-girl? pretty face+famous friends=success. or you could just live on your rich dads money and star in an adult home video like Paris did. she is famous for not having a reason to be famous. worked out for her now, didn't it?
Paris Hilton starring in..du-du-d-dumm: "One Night in Paris"
Tetris - classic mind fuck.
i kveld er BOLLEKVELD. det går ut på at det er kveld og at det er boller med i bildet. vi småler litt av begrepet og lurer på om dersom dansker leser det, om de synes det høres kinky ut. det får de bare gjøre med det forvridde språket sitt.
liv unni uttrykker forresten at tore andre flo er folkets favoritt i "skal vi danse". han er sjarmerende klønete, og en anti-helt er aldri å fordra for det norske folk. henviser til kurt nilsen som vant idol i norge og deltok i world idol. han ble beskyldt av simon powell for å se ut som en hobbit. publikum sympatiserte, og vips! meiet han over kelly clarkson og stakk av med den gjeveste prisen.
Kurt Nilsen - den stereotypiske anti-helt.
oh; qute story: i walked down the streets the other day and this nice lady stopped me. she asked if i wanted a leaflet with the title: "If God loves us, he must care." i was hung over from last night and giggled a little before i responded: "Im an atheist." she gave me an encouraging look, shook her head and said: "Oh well..." end of story.
and, one more thing. i wanted to share a new vid with you guys. i find it very catchy as of now, but i suppouse the song will be seriously over-played by the radio stations in the following weeks, and i will end up hating it eventually. anyways, here it is:
Lady GaGa ft Colby O'Donis - Just Dance
she's suppousedly the new it-girl. "Just Dance" is featuring Colby O'Donis (also known as the new prodogy of Akon with the video "What You Got" - a very easily forgotten r'n'b song). Akon also appears in a sofa in "Just Dance". random? hardly. its how new stars get settled; by guest appearances of already established artists. see, it all started with Dr. Dre. His muse was Eminem. Eminem introduced 50 Cent, who started featuring artists like Akon and NeYo (i think). Akon has Colby O'Donis, who is now introducing Lada Gaga. The circle never ends! Theory of the day.
Circle: Eminem and Dr. Dre
this is not only a phenonomen in the music industry. we can rewind a couple of years and take a look on Andy Warhol and the groups surrounding his spotlight. we will find for example in his 1967 album cover for the Velvet Underground. His cover design of their first album (featuring a banana] became so famous that it will be remembered foremost for the cover and not the music.
Andy Warhols cover of "The Velvet Underground and Nico"
furthermore; warhol befriended the messed-up and rich Edie Sedgwick and made her his muse on social events. she bacame a star overnight, and is know to be one of the first "it-girls" in history (along with Marilyn and Audry).
"It-girl": Edie Sedgwick, Andy Warhols muse.
Sedgewick along with Lady GaGa, has also the english model/artist Agyness Dean been foreseen to become an it-girl in the medias. She also sings in the band Five O'Clock Heroes. Until recently she was a member of the now defunct group Lucky Knitwear. It has been rumoured that she has formed another band, Gene Jacket, but this is yet to be substantiated. She has recently announced engagement to Albert Hammond, Jr. of The Strokes.
"It-girl": Agyness Deyn, supermodel/artist.
so, question: how does one become an it-girl? pretty face+famous friends=success. or you could just live on your rich dads money and star in an adult home video like Paris did. she is famous for not having a reason to be famous. worked out for her now, didn't it?
Paris Hilton starring in..du-du-d-dumm: "One Night in Paris"
tirsdag 14. oktober 2008
will get raped and die
i passed the test i was worried sick about yesterday. in other words, i am now over my pms-or angry state of mind in which i was troubled by. i do have those kind of days. and at times im wondering if i have a split personality. but then again i realize that im quite a functional human being, concidering there are tons of people more messed up than i am out there. i am not insane, i guess i just get a bit crazy in over my head sometimes.
we are living in such a spoiled community that whenever something seems out of the ordinary, one immeadiately think the worst and that something must be seriously wrong. hah, but turning to professional care was never my scene. besides, the next day i can be happier than a monkeny,eh, eating bananas (in lack of better comparison). i always work out my own issues out(for instance by writing; its my therapy), or by the help of good friends. thank god i have someone to hear me out. not that im a whiny friend, i wouldnt say... as a matter a fact im actually an excellent listener: "a good friend", someone once said, "listens to your problems before they spill out their own." i hope im that kind of a friend. furthermore, i am very generous when it comes to handing out advices to friends in tough spots(though im hopeless when it comes to myself).
i heard an Amy Winehouse song on the radio today. i usally destest the anorextic and lunatic star, but its undeniable that she can carry her tunes more than okay. ive heard the song in matter before, but apiffany! it basically is about me. title's called "im no good", and the chorus goes like this:
I cheated myself,
Like I knew I would,
I told you I was trouble,
You know that I'm no good.
yeah. thats pretty much how im feeling right about now. but im not too worried though. everything works out in the end. if i have one life lesson learnt it is that life goes on. and really, really; if i wanted to be or act any different, i totaly would. i think i just enjoy the drama on some sick level.
in other news; this thuesday was the program of adventures in the Martine in the City show. i pulled my bicycle out of the very creepy cellar we have, and decided i would bike all the way out to the gym where i have my volleyball practices. not the brightest idea ive had this week. it instantly started to pour, as it often do in this seven-mountain-surrounded-city, and i did not know the exact way to get there.
i ended up following my guts, which has appeared to be under most circumstances the wrong thing to do. as i had been biking about half an hour uphill into something that started looking suspiciously like the suburbs, i realized i was not where i was supposed to be. it was raining, i was cold, i was alone, my practice was starting any minute now and i was undoubtfully lost. so i stopped a nice cobiker and asked for the direction. he lead me on the right track and i made practice on time! hurray!
on the way back: i thought id be smart and make a short cut into a park nearby my residence. this park is called "Nygårdsparken". during daytime it is a pleasant place with an idyllic scenery.
but anyone who lives in Bergen or watches the news now and again, knows that it is not a place you prefer to hang out at after the sun has gone down (that is if you're not a drug addict). oh well. i rode firmly up the steep hills and did not look twice at the hobos i passed. nothing scary occured to my paronoid self. but im definitely not doing that again.
note to self -lessons of the day:
- bring a fucking map next time you decide to move out of your comfort zone
- bring an umbrella, cus you never know when the rain will catch you off guard in this town.
- dont visit Nygårdsparken when its dark. you will get raped and die.
we are living in such a spoiled community that whenever something seems out of the ordinary, one immeadiately think the worst and that something must be seriously wrong. hah, but turning to professional care was never my scene. besides, the next day i can be happier than a monkeny,eh, eating bananas (in lack of better comparison). i always work out my own issues out(for instance by writing; its my therapy), or by the help of good friends. thank god i have someone to hear me out. not that im a whiny friend, i wouldnt say... as a matter a fact im actually an excellent listener: "a good friend", someone once said, "listens to your problems before they spill out their own." i hope im that kind of a friend. furthermore, i am very generous when it comes to handing out advices to friends in tough spots(though im hopeless when it comes to myself).
i heard an Amy Winehouse song on the radio today. i usally destest the anorextic and lunatic star, but its undeniable that she can carry her tunes more than okay. ive heard the song in matter before, but apiffany! it basically is about me. title's called "im no good", and the chorus goes like this:
I cheated myself,
Like I knew I would,
I told you I was trouble,
You know that I'm no good.
yeah. thats pretty much how im feeling right about now. but im not too worried though. everything works out in the end. if i have one life lesson learnt it is that life goes on. and really, really; if i wanted to be or act any different, i totaly would. i think i just enjoy the drama on some sick level.
in other news; this thuesday was the program of adventures in the Martine in the City show. i pulled my bicycle out of the very creepy cellar we have, and decided i would bike all the way out to the gym where i have my volleyball practices. not the brightest idea ive had this week. it instantly started to pour, as it often do in this seven-mountain-surrounded-city, and i did not know the exact way to get there.
i ended up following my guts, which has appeared to be under most circumstances the wrong thing to do. as i had been biking about half an hour uphill into something that started looking suspiciously like the suburbs, i realized i was not where i was supposed to be. it was raining, i was cold, i was alone, my practice was starting any minute now and i was undoubtfully lost. so i stopped a nice cobiker and asked for the direction. he lead me on the right track and i made practice on time! hurray!
on the way back: i thought id be smart and make a short cut into a park nearby my residence. this park is called "Nygårdsparken". during daytime it is a pleasant place with an idyllic scenery.
but anyone who lives in Bergen or watches the news now and again, knows that it is not a place you prefer to hang out at after the sun has gone down (that is if you're not a drug addict). oh well. i rode firmly up the steep hills and did not look twice at the hobos i passed. nothing scary occured to my paronoid self. but im definitely not doing that again.
note to self -lessons of the day:
- bring a fucking map next time you decide to move out of your comfort zone
- bring an umbrella, cus you never know when the rain will catch you off guard in this town.
- dont visit Nygårdsparken when its dark. you will get raped and die.
mandag 13. oktober 2008
she prays for days when boys mean she's protected
im feeling angry. its either pms or the fact that everything is going wrong today. i had no bread for breakfast. i didnt understand a thing during the 2 hour lecture about geography. i spilled coffee all over my bag and my books. my pen stopped working. i lost my nicotin twice in two days and im spending all my money on shit i shouldnt spend them on. i got a C on my exam, which is really quite good, but since i hold so high expectations to myself i end up being bummed because i was hoping for a B. i have a test tomorrow that im worried about. i dont want to fail, yet i have not started studying. im not catching the attention at all and im giving up. again.
Something Corporate - I Want to Save You
Something Corporate - I Want to Save You
lørdag 11. oktober 2008
thats so gay
a few things i picked up by the wind this morning:
hilary duff is campaining for gays rights:
- my opinion: that was pretty gay.
and paris hilton stars in a futuristic movie called "The genetic opera" where she plays a gothic part (much similar to the role Aliayah did in the 2002 blockbuster 2002 "Queen of the Damned") somehow, i dont expect paris to even reach her to her knees). altough i must say the pictures looks inscrutiatingly interesting:
paris in a black wig; wrong in every way.
furthermore, i hope shes not singing opera in the movie. that would possibly be more wrong.
hilary duff is campaining for gays rights:
- my opinion: that was pretty gay.
and paris hilton stars in a futuristic movie called "The genetic opera" where she plays a gothic part (much similar to the role Aliayah did in the 2002 blockbuster 2002 "Queen of the Damned") somehow, i dont expect paris to even reach her to her knees). altough i must say the pictures looks inscrutiatingly interesting:
paris in a black wig; wrong in every way.
furthermore, i hope shes not singing opera in the movie. that would possibly be more wrong.
fredag 10. oktober 2008
tonight we party like its 1999!
fredags kveld og eg e på chillern med yndlings homegirlen min marthe.
vi har spist chips med hvitløksdip and are most likely smelling delicious at the moment. - marthe veit forresten ikkje kem som e kem av pondus og jokke. kor har du vært dei siste åra liksom? taper. åh, og eg har drukke minst to og et halvt glass coca cola (som eg aldri kjøper meir fordi eg prøver å leve et anstendig liv).
MEN, for å komme til saken: vi har et prosjekt for kvelden (ved siden av å få med oss at gaute ormåsen ryke ut av skal vi danse).
no, i skrivende stund, tar marthe fram cd mappa mi med diverse party/drittmusikk fra 90tallet. we have a mission: vi skal høre og bedømme hvilke TOPP 90talls BUBBLEGUMDANCElåter (wikipedia definisjon)som kjem på lista vår.
Hit'N'Hide - Space Invaders (1998)
Toy Box - Tarzan and Jane (1998)
Shaggy - Bombastic (1995)
Daze - Superhero (1997)
Aqua - Barbie Girl (1997)
Vengaboys - Sex on the Beach + Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom! (1998-1999)
Alice Deejay - Back in my Life (1999)
S.O.A.P - This is How we Party (1998) - min favoritt
ICE - Can't Get Over You (2000; vi tok en spansk en)
E-Type: Here I Go Again + Angels Crying(1998)
Babylon Zoo - Spaceman (1995)
Robyn - Do you Really Want Me (1995)
Eiffel 65 - Blue (1999)
Ace of Base - All that She Wants (1993)
Whigfield - Saturday Night (1994) - favoritt
Lou Bega - Mambo No.5 (1999)
Paradisio - Bailando (1996) <-- viktig!
marthe told me we used to have awful taste in music when we were kids
somehow, whenever wer drunk we cant avoid playing these tracks...
vi har spist chips med hvitløksdip and are most likely smelling delicious at the moment. - marthe veit forresten ikkje kem som e kem av pondus og jokke. kor har du vært dei siste åra liksom? taper. åh, og eg har drukke minst to og et halvt glass coca cola (som eg aldri kjøper meir fordi eg prøver å leve et anstendig liv).
MEN, for å komme til saken: vi har et prosjekt for kvelden (ved siden av å få med oss at gaute ormåsen ryke ut av skal vi danse).
no, i skrivende stund, tar marthe fram cd mappa mi med diverse party/drittmusikk fra 90tallet. we have a mission: vi skal høre og bedømme hvilke TOPP 90talls BUBBLEGUMDANCElåter (wikipedia definisjon)som kjem på lista vår.
Hit'N'Hide - Space Invaders (1998)
Toy Box - Tarzan and Jane (1998)
Shaggy - Bombastic (1995)
Daze - Superhero (1997)
Aqua - Barbie Girl (1997)
Vengaboys - Sex on the Beach + Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom! (1998-1999)
Alice Deejay - Back in my Life (1999)
S.O.A.P - This is How we Party (1998) - min favoritt
ICE - Can't Get Over You (2000; vi tok en spansk en)
E-Type: Here I Go Again + Angels Crying(1998)
Babylon Zoo - Spaceman (1995)
Robyn - Do you Really Want Me (1995)
Eiffel 65 - Blue (1999)
Ace of Base - All that She Wants (1993)
Whigfield - Saturday Night (1994) - favoritt
Lou Bega - Mambo No.5 (1999)
Paradisio - Bailando (1996) <-- viktig!
marthe told me we used to have awful taste in music when we were kids
somehow, whenever wer drunk we cant avoid playing these tracks...
torsdag 9. oktober 2008
they will see us waving from such great heights
The Postal Service - Such Great Heights
they will see us waving from such great heights
"come down now" they'll say
but everything looks perfect from far away
"come down now" but we'll stay
- I love love love this song. The Postal Service is an American electronic indie pop band composed of vocalist Ben Gibbard of Death Cab for Cutie and producer Jimmy Tamborello of Dntel, Headset and Figurine.
The band's debut album, Give Up, has several songs featuring guest vocals from Jenny Lewis, the solo artist and lead singer of Rilo Kiley (whom I have written so tenderly about before under portions for foxes)
The Postal Service only makes CDs with very few but good tracks. Their covers looks like a box of chocolate. They're amazing. I suspect they cant earn much money on their sellings because the costs of the production of the sole cd design is probably very high. Quality before money, i like their way of thinking.
2003: Give Up
2003: Such Great Heights
2003: The District Sleeps Alone Tonight
2005: We Will Become Silhouettes
they will see us waving from such great heights
"come down now" they'll say
but everything looks perfect from far away
"come down now" but we'll stay
- I love love love this song. The Postal Service is an American electronic indie pop band composed of vocalist Ben Gibbard of Death Cab for Cutie and producer Jimmy Tamborello of Dntel, Headset and Figurine.
The band's debut album, Give Up, has several songs featuring guest vocals from Jenny Lewis, the solo artist and lead singer of Rilo Kiley (whom I have written so tenderly about before under portions for foxes)
The Postal Service only makes CDs with very few but good tracks. Their covers looks like a box of chocolate. They're amazing. I suspect they cant earn much money on their sellings because the costs of the production of the sole cd design is probably very high. Quality before money, i like their way of thinking.
2003: Give Up
2003: Such Great Heights
2003: The District Sleeps Alone Tonight
2005: We Will Become Silhouettes
tirsdag 7. oktober 2008
portions for foxes
Rilo Kiley - Portions for Foxes
theres blood in my mouth
cus ive been biting my tongue all week
i keep on talking trash
but i never say anything
and the talking leads to touching
and touching leads to sex
and then there is no mystery left
and its bad news baby im bad news
im just bad news bad news bad news
i know im alone if im with or without you
but just being around you offers me a another form of relief
when the lonliness leads to bad dreams
and the bad dreams lead me to calling you
and i call you and say
and its bad news
baby im bad news im just bad news bad news bad news
theres a pretty young thing in front of you
and shes real pretty
and shes real into you
and then she's sleeping inside of you
and the talking leads to touching
and the touching leads to sex
and then there is no mystery left
and its bad news, i dont blame you
i do the same thing, i get lonely too
and youre bad news, my friends tell me to leave you
that youre bad news, bad news, bad news
This song was first played in the first seasons sountrack of Grey's Anatomy. The lead vocal, Jenny Lewis, rocks my pants. Back in the states me and my gals used to drive around in the suburbs of Ohio, singing "bad news, baby im bad news..." Notalgia. What a beautiful word.
Furthermore, check out these tracks with Rilo Kiley:
silver lining
does he love you
close call
under the blacklight
theres blood in my mouth
cus ive been biting my tongue all week
i keep on talking trash
but i never say anything
and the talking leads to touching
and touching leads to sex
and then there is no mystery left
and its bad news baby im bad news
im just bad news bad news bad news
i know im alone if im with or without you
but just being around you offers me a another form of relief
when the lonliness leads to bad dreams
and the bad dreams lead me to calling you
and i call you and say
and its bad news
baby im bad news im just bad news bad news bad news
theres a pretty young thing in front of you
and shes real pretty
and shes real into you
and then she's sleeping inside of you
and the talking leads to touching
and the touching leads to sex
and then there is no mystery left
and its bad news, i dont blame you
i do the same thing, i get lonely too
and youre bad news, my friends tell me to leave you
that youre bad news, bad news, bad news
This song was first played in the first seasons sountrack of Grey's Anatomy. The lead vocal, Jenny Lewis, rocks my pants. Back in the states me and my gals used to drive around in the suburbs of Ohio, singing "bad news, baby im bad news..." Notalgia. What a beautiful word.
Furthermore, check out these tracks with Rilo Kiley:
silver lining
does he love you
close call
under the blacklight
mandag 6. oktober 2008
a new and better version of me
control - not really present at the time
has the world declared a was against my persona
without my consent? bull
i know perfectly well
i can only blame myself for being here
cus you cant expect to receive respect
before you can respect yourself - right?
its never too late for a change
and i think it would do me good
i feel so much older than i can take
but dont intend to use my own hopelessness
as an excuse for the wrong decisions i make
ive been reading some philosophyshit lately
and even though i hate admitting it
some of the stuff has made me take a deep hard look at myself
maybe even made me see things a bit clearer
i define who i am and what projects i chose to have
i am responsible for the problems which may appear along the way
hence i have no right nor reason to complain
my problems are only a reflection of my decisions
and products of how i have chosen to live my life
no one has put me in a corner and made me act a certain way
my own existence is my own responsibility
its time to take charge
yes indeed a change will do me good
about existentialism:
"Man may seem to be 'made' by his past history and present situation, but it is these limitations which actually create our freedom. It is the presence of limitations that oblige us to choose. I cannot avoit taking an attitude to my past. I choose how I see it. So it can be viewed as an obstacle or an opportunity. I can reject my past or remain loyal to it, and by my future action I deny it or confirm it. We are all thus familiar with 'turning over a new leaf' or 'starting again' or 'new resolutions'. The past is, after all, just a present memory which we have chosen to recall, amd we can let go of the past or not. Perhaps this too is the difference between human beings and animals. While their behavior is a matter of habit, we can reflect on the past and are aware of alternatives in the future. So our past does not determine our future."
I am likely to miss the main event
If I stop to cry and complain again
So I will keep a deliberate pace
Let the damn breeze dry my face
Ooooh mister wait until you see
What I'm gonna be
I've got a plan, a demand and it just began
And if you're right, you'll agree
Here's coming a better version of me
"Better Version of Me" by Fiona Apple love.
has the world declared a was against my persona
without my consent? bull
i know perfectly well
i can only blame myself for being here
cus you cant expect to receive respect
before you can respect yourself - right?
its never too late for a change
and i think it would do me good
i feel so much older than i can take
but dont intend to use my own hopelessness
as an excuse for the wrong decisions i make
ive been reading some philosophyshit lately
and even though i hate admitting it
some of the stuff has made me take a deep hard look at myself
maybe even made me see things a bit clearer
i define who i am and what projects i chose to have
i am responsible for the problems which may appear along the way
hence i have no right nor reason to complain
my problems are only a reflection of my decisions
and products of how i have chosen to live my life
no one has put me in a corner and made me act a certain way
my own existence is my own responsibility
its time to take charge
yes indeed a change will do me good
about existentialism:
"Man may seem to be 'made' by his past history and present situation, but it is these limitations which actually create our freedom. It is the presence of limitations that oblige us to choose. I cannot avoit taking an attitude to my past. I choose how I see it. So it can be viewed as an obstacle or an opportunity. I can reject my past or remain loyal to it, and by my future action I deny it or confirm it. We are all thus familiar with 'turning over a new leaf' or 'starting again' or 'new resolutions'. The past is, after all, just a present memory which we have chosen to recall, amd we can let go of the past or not. Perhaps this too is the difference between human beings and animals. While their behavior is a matter of habit, we can reflect on the past and are aware of alternatives in the future. So our past does not determine our future."
I am likely to miss the main event
If I stop to cry and complain again
So I will keep a deliberate pace
Let the damn breeze dry my face
Ooooh mister wait until you see
What I'm gonna be
I've got a plan, a demand and it just began
And if you're right, you'll agree
Here's coming a better version of me
"Better Version of Me" by Fiona Apple love.
onsdag 1. oktober 2008
the butterfly effect
"A very small event such as the flapping of a single butterfly's wings could produce a very large event such as a tornado or a snowstorm."
The phrase refers to the idea that a butterfly’s wings might create tiny changes in the atmosphere that ultimately cause a tornado to appear (or prevent a tornado from appearing). The flapping wing represents a small change in the initial condition of the system, which causes a chain of events leading to large-scale phenomena. Had the butterfly not flapped its wings, the trajectory of the system might have been vastly different (adopted from Wikipedia).
På nynorsk denne gong: Sommarfugleffekten på Torgallmenningen
Dei sit der med sine melankolske andlet vendt ned mot gatesteinane som ein for ein har blitt lagt ned med omhu. Mangelen på augekontakt er kanskje ein måte å distansere seg frå nedverdiginga av menneska som går rett forbi på. Dei spør kanskje om du har ein slant til overs. Men folk flest unnar dei ikkje eingong eit blikk. -"For vi veit jo alle kva det går til?" Det er haust i Bergen og eg går nedover Torgallmenningen og det er 2008.
Eg har alltid vore litt ambivalent når det kjem til tiggjarar og om ein burde gi pengar til dei. På eine sida kan pengane gå til eit skot som sender vedkomande rett i koma eller til organiserte grupper, men på andre sida kan det gå til mat og drikke. Men så tenker eg igjen; kva så om dei usle kronene eg gir vekk går til rus? Det er jo ein grunn til at dei sit der på gata og tiggar: dei er avhengige og blir seriøst sjuke om dei ikkje får den rusen. Dette er eit vanskeleg dilemma.
Heilt sidan barndomen har eg fått innprenta at eg budde i beste og rikaste landet i verda. Heile verda låg framfor mine føter, og eg hadde utenkjeleg mange val. Men ho heimlause som sit i eit hjørnet av DnB-bygningen hadde nok desse draumane då ho var lita også? Trur du ikkje ho også, for lenge sidan, då ho var lukkeleg uvitande om verdas harde røyndom, hadde håp for framtida? Jo. Eg trur det er meir tilfeldig enn vi trur kven som endar opp i rennesteinen og kven som endar opp som ein vellukka arbeidar.
Det er her eg trur at teorien om sommarfugleffekten kjem inn i bilete. Sommarfugleffekten er aninga om at ein svært lita hending i livet kan gjere ei stor forskjell seinare, og resultere i kaos. Definisjonen på dette fenomenet er kjent for å lyde slik: "A very small event such as the flapping of a single butterfly's wings could produce a very large event such as a tornado or a snowstorm."
Det er nettopp hos dei heimlause at sommarfugleffekten har slått inn. Det er heile er så innmari tilfeldig at det nesten er tragikomisk. Mon tro om ho tiggjaren på Torgallmenningen hadde blitt heime den kvelden i '96, mon tru om ho ikkje hadde støtt på Petter som hadde ecstasy med seg, og mon tru at ho hadde vore full og testa det ut, og mon tru at ho ikkje blei avhengig og enda opp på gata for å tiggje pengar ti år seinare.
Eg er ikkje vand med å sjå uteliggjarar, heimløyse, rusmisbrukarar, kva enn definisjonen på desse stakkars folka er. Det er vel mest sannsynleg nettopp difor eg reagerte så sterkt på det. - Men vakn opp, Noreg! Dei er her. I verdas såkalla rikaste land! Og vi kallar oss sjølve for solidariske! Likeverdige og solidariske der vi eine augneblinken insisterer på universelle menneskerettar, og i neste går rett forbi tiggarar som openbart slit. Det går ikkje opp for meg. Eg lurar på om folkav og til stoppar opp og tenkjer på sommarfugleffekten? Eg undrar om dei som går rett forbi tiggjarane, tenkjer at ho heimlause likegodt kunne ha vore seg sjølv?
Eg sa til sambuaren min at eg er redd eg utviklar meg til å bli ein determinist. Ein som trur handlingar berre fører til eit mogeleg resultat. Egentlig veit eg det berre er ei unnskuldning for å unngå valg og ansvar. Ho sa det i alle fall er bra eg ikkje er ein fatalist. Dei prøver ikkje å unngå kula fordi den har navnet sitt på seg uansett. Dei kan ikkje vere spesielt lukkelege.
Perfekt eksempel på fatalisme:
The phrase refers to the idea that a butterfly’s wings might create tiny changes in the atmosphere that ultimately cause a tornado to appear (or prevent a tornado from appearing). The flapping wing represents a small change in the initial condition of the system, which causes a chain of events leading to large-scale phenomena. Had the butterfly not flapped its wings, the trajectory of the system might have been vastly different (adopted from Wikipedia).
På nynorsk denne gong: Sommarfugleffekten på Torgallmenningen
Dei sit der med sine melankolske andlet vendt ned mot gatesteinane som ein for ein har blitt lagt ned med omhu. Mangelen på augekontakt er kanskje ein måte å distansere seg frå nedverdiginga av menneska som går rett forbi på. Dei spør kanskje om du har ein slant til overs. Men folk flest unnar dei ikkje eingong eit blikk. -"For vi veit jo alle kva det går til?" Det er haust i Bergen og eg går nedover Torgallmenningen og det er 2008.
Eg har alltid vore litt ambivalent når det kjem til tiggjarar og om ein burde gi pengar til dei. På eine sida kan pengane gå til eit skot som sender vedkomande rett i koma eller til organiserte grupper, men på andre sida kan det gå til mat og drikke. Men så tenker eg igjen; kva så om dei usle kronene eg gir vekk går til rus? Det er jo ein grunn til at dei sit der på gata og tiggar: dei er avhengige og blir seriøst sjuke om dei ikkje får den rusen. Dette er eit vanskeleg dilemma.
Heilt sidan barndomen har eg fått innprenta at eg budde i beste og rikaste landet i verda. Heile verda låg framfor mine føter, og eg hadde utenkjeleg mange val. Men ho heimlause som sit i eit hjørnet av DnB-bygningen hadde nok desse draumane då ho var lita også? Trur du ikkje ho også, for lenge sidan, då ho var lukkeleg uvitande om verdas harde røyndom, hadde håp for framtida? Jo. Eg trur det er meir tilfeldig enn vi trur kven som endar opp i rennesteinen og kven som endar opp som ein vellukka arbeidar.
Det er her eg trur at teorien om sommarfugleffekten kjem inn i bilete. Sommarfugleffekten er aninga om at ein svært lita hending i livet kan gjere ei stor forskjell seinare, og resultere i kaos. Definisjonen på dette fenomenet er kjent for å lyde slik: "A very small event such as the flapping of a single butterfly's wings could produce a very large event such as a tornado or a snowstorm."
Det er nettopp hos dei heimlause at sommarfugleffekten har slått inn. Det er heile er så innmari tilfeldig at det nesten er tragikomisk. Mon tro om ho tiggjaren på Torgallmenningen hadde blitt heime den kvelden i '96, mon tru om ho ikkje hadde støtt på Petter som hadde ecstasy med seg, og mon tru at ho hadde vore full og testa det ut, og mon tru at ho ikkje blei avhengig og enda opp på gata for å tiggje pengar ti år seinare.
Eg er ikkje vand med å sjå uteliggjarar, heimløyse, rusmisbrukarar, kva enn definisjonen på desse stakkars folka er. Det er vel mest sannsynleg nettopp difor eg reagerte så sterkt på det. - Men vakn opp, Noreg! Dei er her. I verdas såkalla rikaste land! Og vi kallar oss sjølve for solidariske! Likeverdige og solidariske der vi eine augneblinken insisterer på universelle menneskerettar, og i neste går rett forbi tiggarar som openbart slit. Det går ikkje opp for meg. Eg lurar på om folkav og til stoppar opp og tenkjer på sommarfugleffekten? Eg undrar om dei som går rett forbi tiggjarane, tenkjer at ho heimlause likegodt kunne ha vore seg sjølv?
Eg sa til sambuaren min at eg er redd eg utviklar meg til å bli ein determinist. Ein som trur handlingar berre fører til eit mogeleg resultat. Egentlig veit eg det berre er ei unnskuldning for å unngå valg og ansvar. Ho sa det i alle fall er bra eg ikkje er ein fatalist. Dei prøver ikkje å unngå kula fordi den har navnet sitt på seg uansett. Dei kan ikkje vere spesielt lukkelege.
Perfekt eksempel på fatalisme:
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