2: 30 pm i went downtown to catch a bus ride to the gym, where i was going to play a match with my volleyball team. it was set to start at 4 pm. we were supposed to be there one hour prior to the game. well, first i waited about 30 minutes for the bus. i was not dressed for the weather. i wasn't sure when to get off of the bus, so i asked the bus driver to make a stop at the right place. evedently, he forgot about me. when we came to the last stop the bus driver apologized he'd forgotten me. he told me there would come another bus in 5 minutes that could take me back where i was supposed to get off. the bus didn't come in over 20 minutes. by then, it was 4 pm and i had already missed the beginning of the game. i was sooo cold. i was super stressed and sat down next to an old lady. she was nice and started talking to me. i told her i was having problems finding the gym i was looking for. i was about the get off at a stop where i thought the gym was, but the old lady luckily stopped me. she told me that the name of the gym i was looking for wasn't here, but further on. thanks old nice lady! i had confused two gyms, and the gym i was supposed to be at was much closer than i had thought. i finally got off at the right stop (a stop which really only lies about a 10 minute bus ride from centro). i had used 1 1/2 hour.

A ney day:(
TODAYS EVENTS (also including a bus):
8 am: Presentation in Ex.Phil. Went very well.
10am - 2pm: Watched four episodes of Prison Break Season 4. Muy bien.
2 pm: First sight of snow this year. Hurray!
3 pm: Flirted myself to getting inside information at the Apple store. Score.
4 pm: Tanning for the first time this season. Way to go.
6 pm: Bus ride to Haukelandshallen to practice. Discovered practice was cancelled because of a basketball game. Bummer.
6 - 7 pm: Decided to stick around at the game for a while; after all, i had payed the 23 kroners to get out there.
7 pm: Surprised by the amusing discovery of the art of basketball. Tall, dark and athletic sweaty guys. there was even cool rap music. Why on earth have I never thought about basketball as an arena to meet hot guys?
A yay day :)