here are some pics from late night:
søndag 30. august 2009
badass shoes and a badass night
preparty @ eline's last night. it was basically me and her+some friends of hers and youtube. christina called me later and we met up @ Silver., along with Gjertrud+some other poeple. it was so packed that it was hard to dance. some stupid hoe stepped on my feet and it hurt. the same girl stepped on eline's foot as well and the situation was close to a cat fight, but it was avoided. afterwards we went to cafe opera and danced some more. it was a little bit better. we bought some ciabatta's at deli's, it was very nice. after saying goodbye to eline i bumped into this equadorian fellow who told me this was his last day in norway before returning to his home country. and this needed to be celebrated at his place. nachpeil. i thought to myself that this was an excellent opportunity to speak spanish, so i went along with him and some other latinos and some norwegian girls. he had told me his house was very close, but it turned out he was lying. this kinda pissed me off, so i ended up just staying for 15 minutes before leaving. besides, i was sobering up and one of the drunk norwegian girls was dancing salsa by herself. it appeared to me this wasn't the brightest idea i had had that night, so i started to walk home. on the way home three different guys stopped me. one wondered where he was, and i said i didnt know, but good luck. the next guys were on the other side of the street, trying to unlock a door. they yelled: "hey! do you want to sleep in beetween us"? very nice. the last guy wondered if i had just passed him earlier. i told him that might be accurate and how come? and he said i might get offended, but he only saw the back of the girl and she wore high heeled shoed and had blonde hair. - yeah, that's about half the population in the town, so i guess it wasn't very likely it was me. weirdo. in bed about 4 o'clock. feeling fine today.
here are some pics from late night:

aren't eline's shoes just incredible gorgeous? i became crazy tall with them.
here are some pics from late night:
lørdag 29. august 2009
i've noticed you around.... i find you very attractive
i dag har jeg vært på shopping med mamma i by'n. det er veldig dårlig vær for tida, så vi gikk under hennes svære paraply. det som er så greit med å shoppe med mamsen er at hun nekter meg å betale noe som helst:) kjøleskapet mitt er også blitt fyllt opp! digg. studentlånet er også kommet til rette, så nå ser ting med ett litt lysere ut.
i kveld skal jeg ut med christina <3. jeg har kjøpt den vanlige Riesling vinen., you know, den billige, helt greie og høye prosenten. the way to go. jeg kjøpte meg et nytt svar skjørt og en sort singlet på H&M. takk mamma! i love you.

shit jeg har litt mandige bein. kanskje jeg skal kutte litt ned på styrketreningen? :p
ouh! jeg har forresten bestemt meg for å begynne å trene volleyball med BSI sitt 1.divisjon her i by'n. det blir nok bra.
i kveld skal jeg ut med christina <3. jeg har kjøpt den vanlige Riesling vinen., you know, den billige, helt greie og høye prosenten. the way to go. jeg kjøpte meg et nytt svar skjørt og en sort singlet på H&M. takk mamma! i love you.
shit jeg har litt mandige bein. kanskje jeg skal kutte litt ned på styrketreningen? :p
ouh! jeg har forresten bestemt meg for å begynne å trene volleyball med BSI sitt 1.divisjon her i by'n. det blir nok bra.
torsdag 27. august 2009
i put my new shoes on and suddenly everything is right
jeg er så ekstremt fornøyd med de at jeg må legge inn to bilder!
noe som ikke gjør meg videre glad er at dataen min tilsynelatende har blitt virusinfisert. jeg har lenge ignorert advarslene, men da "WARNING: HARMFUL AND MALICIOUS VIRUS IS INFECTING YOUR COMPUTER" kom opp i går, var det litt for sent. nå klikker ting og det liker jeg dårlig.
jeg liker forsovet også dårlig at studielånet mitt har blitt overført av lånekassen til en eller annen jalla-konto som jeg aldri bruker (eller for den saks skyld visste at jeg hadde); slik at jeg må løpe unødvendige ærend rundt i byen.
jeg liker heller ikkje at min trofaste og klumsete svære svarte ipod omsider har lagt inn årene.
stress. bestemte meg for å dra på yoga i går med Heidi. det var soothing for body, mind and soul og vi har avtalt at vi skal begynne å gå dit sammen på onsdager. det blir bra.
ellers føler jeg at det går litt dårlig med studiene for tiden. jeg ble litt neffor her om dagen da jeg føler at jeg ikke mestrer hva jeg holder på med, så jeg bestemte meg for å lage en liste over hva som gjør meg i godt humør og hva som har motsatt effekt:
Ting som gjør meg glad: trene, drikke kaffe/te, ha gjort leksene, true blood og sex in the city, pumps, pynte meg, øl
Ting som gjør meg ulykkelig: hangover, rot, være trøtt, prokastinering, bruke for mye penger
legg merke til at glad-lista mi er lengre enn ulykkelig-lista mi. der ser du! jeg er en positiv person.
mandag 24. august 2009
Press Play On Tape
Videoen til denne Commodore 64- sangen "8-bit trip" av det danske bandet "Press Play On Tape" skal tatt 1500 timer å lage! De er innom alle slags 80-90-talls data ting som Tetris of Pac-Man. Enjoy!
torsdag 20. august 2009
perfect lines

as u may know i am a member of the art utility called Deviantart online, a place which allow you to publish and critique other's art work. myself, being more a watcher than participant - i do have some drawings and pictures, but can hardly say im an artist - like to see what's new now and then. i stumbled upon an photographer, Mick Waghorne, alias =mickwag, whose work i found most exhilarating. he has mostly photographed nude women, and i found one of his models particularily curious. her name is Raphaella and she is so god damn beautiful! ive been trying to draw her...but i cant seem to get the shades.
onsdag 19. august 2009
fredag 14. august 2009
godt sagt
torsdag 13. august 2009
You trifling, good-for-nothing type of brother
on town last night with a couple of friends, including ingrid, eline, kaja and pete. we were at Vamoose and met a bunch of argentinian, lichtensteinain, german and italian people whom we talked with. after we went to kvarteret. we returned to my house for nachspeil and i started to shot GIN. what a fucking bad call lol. i woke up with cat food in the bed this morning... i have no memory of the last hours of last night. wow.

søndag 9. august 2009
I'm an angel bored liked hell and you're a devil meaning well
so yesterday me, lu, inger and hilde travelled by car to BJORDAL, where MONIKA grew up. Monika is going to Washington DC to study and we were invited to a goodbye party at her parents place. it was a beautiful and charming little place amongst the surrounding mountains and blue sea. we arrived rather late, so the party had already started by the time we got there. but it didnt matter much, we started to drink immediately. we danced swing and had a good time. we spent the night in a guest house. the next morning some of us had breakfast outside in the sun. it was soo nice;) afterwords monika drove us to the nearest bus stop in order for me and alice to get to get to Bergen. it was a fight against the time to put the least, but despide of the narrow roads she somehow pulled it off. creds! WE'LL MISS YOUR PRETTY ASS Monika! :)

now im back in BERGEN! i met the new girl we're staying with, Bente, on the bus there. ive been cleaning the house and unpacking. i went to the store to buy food. expensive. i need to buy a new commode, cus Bente is taking over the one i had. right now all my clothes are piled up in the middle of my room:p i think im going to IKEA tomorrow. looking forward to it.
now im back in BERGEN! i met the new girl we're staying with, Bente, on the bus there. ive been cleaning the house and unpacking. i went to the store to buy food. expensive. i need to buy a new commode, cus Bente is taking over the one i had. right now all my clothes are piled up in the middle of my room:p i think im going to IKEA tomorrow. looking forward to it.
lørdag 8. august 2009
torsdag 6. august 2009
i swear i left her safe and sound
Richard Marx - Hazard (1991)
So I wanted to show u guys this music video. The sound on the video is a remix, but it was the only clip I was able to find on youtube. I think this sound is beautiful and I find the video interesting as well.
Details (Wikipedia)
The music video opens with several older men teasing Marx's character as a child with his mother in the background. The video then shows Mary, who is depicted as having features very similar to Marx's mother. Various scenes in this sequence can cause the viewer to become unclear about the nature of their relationship. As the story continues, the town's sheriff is shown taking photographs of the couple and following one or both of them in his vehicle.
It is implied that Marx goes to see Mary but catches her making love to an unidentified person. Again, the video flashes back to his childhood, where Marx sees his mother committing adultery. In present time, the sheriff arrives and sees Marx, who then flees, leaving his scarf behind on the branch of a bush. Marx returns home and weeps about Mary.
Mary is then shown alone near the river spoken of in the song. She turns to face the camera with a look of surprise on her face, and it is then made to look as if she lay in water. The next morning (as the song states), several people assist in arresting Marx for Mary's murder.
While in the interrogation room, Marx is shown a white cloth, which the sheriff identifies as the item used to strangle Mary. Marx then denies that he and Mary were romantically involved, and the sheriff asks if Marx was jealous. At this point, the video reveals a larger picture of Marx's childhood: that after his mother's affair, his father leaves her for another woman. Marx is then shown as a child running out of a burning house, although it is unclear whose it is or if he actually set the fire.
Locals are shown vandalizing Marx's home, breaking windows and setting fire to it. It is implied that Marx cannot be proven guilty when the sheriff drops him off at his ruined home. As the video ends, a woman walking by covers her young son's eyes, again implying Marx is an outcast or considered guilty of Mary's murder.
So I wanted to show u guys this music video. The sound on the video is a remix, but it was the only clip I was able to find on youtube. I think this sound is beautiful and I find the video interesting as well.
Details (Wikipedia)
The music video opens with several older men teasing Marx's character as a child with his mother in the background. The video then shows Mary, who is depicted as having features very similar to Marx's mother. Various scenes in this sequence can cause the viewer to become unclear about the nature of their relationship. As the story continues, the town's sheriff is shown taking photographs of the couple and following one or both of them in his vehicle.
It is implied that Marx goes to see Mary but catches her making love to an unidentified person. Again, the video flashes back to his childhood, where Marx sees his mother committing adultery. In present time, the sheriff arrives and sees Marx, who then flees, leaving his scarf behind on the branch of a bush. Marx returns home and weeps about Mary.
Mary is then shown alone near the river spoken of in the song. She turns to face the camera with a look of surprise on her face, and it is then made to look as if she lay in water. The next morning (as the song states), several people assist in arresting Marx for Mary's murder.
While in the interrogation room, Marx is shown a white cloth, which the sheriff identifies as the item used to strangle Mary. Marx then denies that he and Mary were romantically involved, and the sheriff asks if Marx was jealous. At this point, the video reveals a larger picture of Marx's childhood: that after his mother's affair, his father leaves her for another woman. Marx is then shown as a child running out of a burning house, although it is unclear whose it is or if he actually set the fire.
Locals are shown vandalizing Marx's home, breaking windows and setting fire to it. It is implied that Marx cannot be proven guilty when the sheriff drops him off at his ruined home. As the video ends, a woman walking by covers her young son's eyes, again implying Marx is an outcast or considered guilty of Mary's murder.
onsdag 5. august 2009
tirsdag 4. august 2009
ridiculous thoughts

it's not worth anything more
than this at all
i live as i choose
or i will not live at all
so return to where you come from
return to where you dwell
because harassment's not my forte
but you do it very well
and i'm free to decide
i'm free to decide
and i'm not so suicidial after all
you must have nothing more
with your time to do
there's a war in Russia and Sarajevo too
so to hell with all your thinking
and to hell with your narrow mind
you're so distracted from the real thing
you should leave your life behind
cos i'm free to decide
i'm free to decide
and i'm not so suicidal after all

mandag 3. august 2009
søndag 2. august 2009
American Teen
I watched this socalled "docu-soap" along with Inger Marie yesterday. I was pleasantly surprised of its quality. The movie is basically a modern day - real "Breakfast Club". The film teamed followed five students in a high school in a small town in Indiana during their senior year. The high school community is white, red and christian. I found this setting extremely familiar to my own surroundings during my exchange year back in Elmore, Ohio... The five kids, all representatives for different cliques and types in HS - the geek, the artsy, the jock, the prep. As wikipedia describes them:
Hannah Bailey - the "rebel." Hannah is an artist, musician and wannabe filmmaker whose liberal views are not a good fit for the conservative small-town culture of Warsaw. Early in the year, her long-time boyfriend breaks her heart, causing her to miss weeks of school while she recovers from the heartbreak, and later, while she deals with possible embarrassment at school for missing so many days. She dates Mitch for a while during the year, but their relationship causes friction with his clique of friends, and he breaks up with her via text message. At the year's end, she heads to San Francisco to live (and eventually go to college). In the film's credits, it's revealed she left the west coast for New York City to study filmmaking.
Colin Clemens - the "jock." Colin is a well liked, humorous student whose primary focus during the year is athletics. As the star basketball player for Warsaw, he realizes the year is a make-or-break opportunity to impress scouts and get a scholarship. To not get a scholarship will likely mean enrolling in the military - something his father constantly brings up through the film.
Megan Krizmanich - the "queen bee" or "princess." Megan is a popular student in many ways. She is academically talented, popular, and involved in many extracurricular activities. Her ultimate goal is to get into the University of Notre Dame, something that many of her family members have done before her. She is manipulative and mean but she is also humanized by the portrayal of her own social and emotional struggles.
Mitch Reinholt - the "heartthrob." Mitch is popular at school because of his easygoing ways, his good looks, and his sports talent (he's a teammate of Colin's). He is the least featured of the five primary students, and is even left off some versions of the film's movie poster. Mitch features prominently into the story when he starts dating Hannah.
Jake Tusing - the "nerd" or "gamer." Jake is an introverted student whose hobbies are the marching band and video games. He longs to find and keep a girlfriend, and much of his storyline revolves around his dating life.
Of course, being a rebel without a cause myself, I identified the most with Hannah:) Honestly though, I think I was more of a mixture of the prep and the artsy back in my senior year in HS. I had a preppy style, but I wasn't uptight. Nowadays I like to change my style according to how I feel that specific day. I can be preppy, sure - but I can also go for the bohemian look, or be laid back with Carlings clothes, or be a sexy vamp by night. I'm free to decide, and that's what's great about it. My style is as diverse as my personality.

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