God created war so that Americans would learn geography - quote by Mark Twain.
10.30: woke up after sleeping delightfully in my soft bed here in Førde. dreamt i met the bad guy i punched last week, only he had died his hair blue. he wanted to talk about it and ended up kissing me making up. sounds likely huh? wtf martine.
11: hot shower
11.20: dr. phil quality time
13.30: doctor appointment. needed a health sertificate when im applying for Uni.of Guanajuato. took a blood test, outch. let alone very expensive experience.
14.30: police station to get a new passport (also rather costily., if that's even a word).
14.45-16: café (Olefine) by myself+a "berlinerbolle", large coffee and newspaper. also read some of a spanish book for school. listend to Yo La Tengo and
Soundabout (my friend Renates' band; hit them up on
NRK Urørt!ps: "march of the clayman" and "128" r my fav.) I felt old but figured out. It was nice. It's been a long time since I've done something alone. I had almost forgotten how satisfying my own company sometime is.
16-17: Restaurant with parents (Pikant+Raspeballetorsdag). yummy - love me feed me never leave me.

overall a rainy day
ps. discovered i have a spanish paper due on monday in which i have yet to start. my books are in Bergen. fak. no actual time to do this. wedding 2morrow. back to town saturday, party at night. sunday? could be.