Into the Wild is a movie based on the true story of Christopher McCandless. After he graduated from university in Atlanta, he disappeared, seemingly without trace. He drove out west in search of adventure, in effect to find himself. On the course of his journey, he lost his car in a flash flood, and ended up walking, canoeing and camping to continue his journey. In his desire to find meaning, he eradicated his identity, burning his driving license and social security card, and reinvented himself as “Alexander Supertramp”. He was convinced that the way to find true meaning and happiness was to go into the wild, so he headed for Alaska, woefully unprepared.
After buying and watching this movie yesterday, i was struck. it mad a huge impression on me. possibly the most inspiring movie i have ever seen. it made me think i should book a ticket to australia and burn all my savings and shave my head. i would hich-hike into the outback and live in harmony with the aboriginals. i would drink beer before noon and meet extraordinary people whom i would never come across later in life. i wouldn't even have a camera as proof of my experiences, because it would be something for me and no one else. i would only have pictures as memories in my head. i would tell stories to strangers by a bonfire and get bad tattoes on my forearm. i would have nothing but the clothes i was wearing and a journal to write down my thoughts. and if i died during a paracute jump, it wouldn't matter, because i died happily.

in other news, in my real life:
- today i went to a cafe and met up with a friend i havent seen since i was 11 years old. we were nastolgic and it was two very nice hours.
- i saw a delluted guy trying to park his beatup van, smashing it twice in a row, even though i tried giving him directions. he just laughed. i laughed back and the whole situation was very comical. he was probably drunk but i found it quite amusing.
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