
fredag 28. november 2008

marthe bursdag, hårfarging og rar brad pitt trailer

Grattis med dagen Marthe! 20 år! eg satt å laga kort til ho langt på natt i går. eg gjør slikt for mine venner fordi eg er sympatisk. pluss at eg har litt fritidssysleproblemer.

eg hadde liten kollokviemøte med exphil gjengen marianne og camilla. læreren vår tok seg til og med ekstra tid og svarte på noen av spm våre. det går sakte fremover. endelige innlevering er 15 des., så har tid.

ellers har eg fått fremkalt litt bilder og kjøpt julegave til mamsen.

så farga eg håret. det blei litt mørkare enn ka eg hadde, men men. no snakka eg på webcam med torstein. han e i militæret og har langt hardere dager enn ka eg kan sei eg har.

inger tok bilde av håret mitt under prosessen.

haha dette blei jo litt kult.

åh! ja den rare traileren eg fann på filmweb i dag. brad pitt.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)

rare greier.

torsdag 27. november 2008

gina tricot og hjemmet, hvor hjertet er

i dag har jeg vært i Åsane med Christina. jeg brukte først en liten formue på kosmetikk, for så å gå på bananas på Gina Tricot. Christina var med mest for selskaps skyld, og hadde ikke tenkt å bruke penger. men jeg var en omvendt samaritan og nikket ivrig når hun spurte om hun burde kjøpe plagg på gina tricot. etterpå gikk vi en runde på Ikea, men endte bare opp med en trippelramme.

Pumps fra DNA (kjøpte forrige uke), leggvarmere i bakgrunnen (Gina)

Magebelte fra Gina Tricot (love it!)

Kjole Gina Tricot

Senere på dagen gikk jeg, Lu og Inger på bursdagsgaveshopping til Marthe som blir 20 i morgen. Vi fikk også med oss åpningen på Moods of Norway butikken på Torgalmenningen. Det var en lang grønn limo utenfor, pluss Gulasj-dukken og trommer som underholdning. Rar kombo. Etterpå gikk jeg på SIB og løpe og pumpa litt vekter. Fikk et stygt blikk av en fyr etter at jeg hadde løftet litt vel tunge vekter for hva som er sosialt akseptert for jenter. jaja. guys who get intimidated by strong girls is not my scene anywho.

Litt random fra mitt 6m2 rom:
Favorittdingsen min. Rosa sparebørse fra Mique

Foran PC'en. Prøver å gjøre ex.phil men begynner å ta meningsløse bilder av omgivelsene i stedet.

tirsdag 25. november 2008

fløyen, volleydugnad og bussjåføren fra helvete

stod opp 7 for å gå på ex.phil seminargruppa eg har på tirsdagene. dro hjem, så litt oprah, snakka med alice på facern og bestemte oss for å gå på Fløien. det var sol til en forandring. vi gikk oppover i snøen og det var kjempekoselig. som eneste single i gjengen prater vi ofte om gutter og hvordan vi gjerne vil ha dem. det er typisk for oss. alice tror på love med stor L, mens jeg tror på praktisk kjærlighet. kjærlighet er en illusjon, men en god en at that. anyways, det var veldig fint oppe på høyeden, og jeg tok et par bilder.

klokken 18.15 skulle jeg vært ute på Fyllingsdalen gymsal for å trene et 11-årslag i volleyball. det var en dugnadsjobb jeg ble tildelt i går fra min egen klubb... men bussen kom et kvarter for sent! dvs at jeg også kom et kvarter for sent til jobben. da jeg kom inn på bussen spurte jeg sjåførdama om denne skulle til Oasen? hun ekspiderte mannen forran meg, men nikket svakt. jeg hadde dårlgi tid og var stressa, så jeg måtte forsikre meg at det var meg hun hadde nikket til. da det var min tur spurte jeg igjen, og da så hun skikkelig stygt på meg og sa på striler bergensk: "Eg syns det e ganske uhøfelig av deg å spørre flere gangar når eg har allerede har svart deg!!" Jeg svarte: "Unnskyld, den andre bussen kom ikke og jeg måtte forsikre meg om at denne også gikk til Oasen." Jeg satt meg ned hos en gammel dame. Neste scenario: På det tredje neste stoppet gikk bussjåføren ut for å rette opp et speil utenfor. Da den utrivelige sjåføren reiste seg for å gå ut, gikk passasjeren som skulle på innenfor. Sjåføren stoppet opp og så irritert på passasjeren som for å be henne flytte seg fortere enn svint. Sjåføren hadde ei ræv bredere enn ei låvedør, så jeg forstår jo i den forstand at hun trengte romslig plass for å passere. Passasjeren stod å ventet på å få betale da sjåføren skulle inn igjen. Da det ikke var stor plass for å smyge seg forbi sier den sure sjåføren følgende: "Ja, visst du skal være sånn kan du GODT ta den neste bussen!!!"
måtte jeg si høyt.
Den påstegne passasjeren så forfjamset ut, og den eldre damen ved siden av meg sjokkert: "Nei vettuka! Sånn går det itsje an å oppføre seg. Det derre hadde isje eg tolerert! Ja, noen har tydeligvis stått opp på feil fot." Jeg svarte med at det er nok sånn det er å være i en jobb man ikke trives.
Da jeg endelig kom til Oasen og skulle av sa jeg: "Keep smiling!" Heh. Gjett om skal få et salig klagebrev om kjerringa som kjører til Oasen på tirsdagskveldene.

Volleyballtreningen gikk fint for seg. Guttene som var der var typiske for 11åringer; skulle vise seg frem, var urolige og kranglete. Jentene var søte og sjenerte.

Nå skal jeg se Grey's Anatomy om et lite øyeblikk sammen med Marthe og Inger. Jeg er sulten, så nå må jeg si slutte å skrive.

mandag 24. november 2008

jeg trenger en bag med penger så jeg kan kjøpe all den dritten jeg trenger

sitter her i stua med inger og vi er begge på våre brilliante acer laptops og skriver ønskeliste til jul. det slo meg i midlertidig at jeg hadde store problemer med å i det hele tatt komme på noe jeg ønsker meg. dette bunner seg i at jeg quite frankly, har alle materielle gode jeg trenger. it sickens me. forrige jul, rett etter jeg kom hjem fra cuba, var overgangen fra det fattige til det overflødige så stor at det ble for mye for meg. jeg fordelte gaveåpningen på to dager. tanken om at min cubanske venninne såvidt har to par bukser, mens jeg satt her og fikk merkeklær av fattern, var ekkel. cuba gjorde inntrykk i den forstand. jeg sluttet faktisk å kjøpe klær et par måneder. men så ble jeg dradd inn igjen i gamle vaner og fortsatte deltagelsen i bruk-kast samfunnet. det var vel nesten unngåelig. jeg aksepterte at jeg ikke kunne gå rundt å ha dårlig samvittighet fordi jeg bor i norge og har større materielle goder enn storparten av resten av verden.

jeg har funnet ut et par ting jeg kunne trengt denne julen. de er som følger
- sportsbh. har bare en.
- blekk til printer

listen blir utvidet om jeg kommer på noe mer.
men når alt kommer til alt, all i want for christmas is you...

ønsker forøvrig at katten min skal leve 5 år til og at jeg får C på eksamen. men jeg stiller meg skeptisk til å sette min lit til santa claus i disse tilfeller. og god helse for meg og mine nære. and, of course, world peace.

lørdag 22. november 2008

exam and beer

yesterday's events:
7.00: martine should wake up
8.00: martine wakes up
8.10: martine puts some clothes on and runs downtown to meet the girls she had planned on taking a taxi with to the exam
8.30: they soon discover there is no way they can get a taxi there in time for the exam
8.40: they jump on a local bus
8.55: they arrive the exam
9.00: the exam starts
13.00: martine puts her pen down and is content with her job
13.30: martine returns to her house with christina along. she puts on britney spears and is overjoyed
14.00: martine, christina, sara, maria alexandra and victoria eats porridge
15.00: then they head for the Baran Cafe and drinks one beer each
16.00: martine shops a back pair of power-pumps. she is very satisfyed with both price and appearance
17.00: martine goes food shopping
18.00: martine cleans the entire house
20.30: costudents arrive her house and they start drinking
00.30: people are starting to leave, but martine is delayed by the news of someones puke all over the stairway. martine starts to try cleaning the redwine stings from the white tapestry, but it is no good. she concludes that the only solution is a paint job. meanwhile, she is also amazed by the geographical area a person is able to puke
02.00(?): martine cleans up after the party and puts on her new pumps. it is snowing and icy out, but it does not matter
first she visits Cafe Opera, followed by Scotsman. she is hit on by a lesbian lady who told her she had a heart attack last week.
03.00: nachspill at Sara's. status is more than a little bit drunk
04.30: martine is finally home and goes to sleep
12.00: martine wakes up and has a headache but is happy about last night's events. the rest of the day is spent doing absolutely nothing.

we have just finished the exam

have're having a well earned beer

girls from my class: sara, victoria and christina

onsdag 19. november 2008

den gyldne middelvei

trass den tilsynelatende kjedelige overskriften, vil jeg nå forsøke å trekke inn pensum om den gyldne middelvei inn i hverdagslivet. jeg vil nå demonstrere "den gyldne middelvei" i dagens forløp:

10.30-17.30: Lesesalen på SV-bygget med Christina, Maria Alexandra og Linn Victoria.
Pauser i form av kantine og cafe ble jevnt fordelt utover dagen.
18.00: Middagslaging
18.30: TV utover kvelden, krydret med litt kvalitetsblogging.
I kveld går både Gossip Girl og House. En ny versjon av Ungkaren (30+) skal også ha premiere. Gossip Girl er lett og underholdende hjerneføde:) gotta lov them spoiled uptown girls.

Jeg tenker med meg selv at jeg kan ta kveldstimene fri fra studiene, siden jeg føler jeg har tilbrakt tilstrekkelig tid på studier i løpet av dagen. Håper jeg bare ikke er lat.

Fredag er eksamen. Det forekommer meg at jeg forholder meg urovekkende rolig i forhold til at eksamen nærmer seg med stormskritt. Det er faktisk på kanten av apati! Det er ikke helt heldig. Det sies jo at det er bra å i det minste være litt nervøs i forkant av eksamener, men jeg er ikke det. Ikke en smule. Noe jeg antageligvis har grunn til å være. Kanskje jeg ubevisst bare har slått meg til ro at eksamenen kommer enten jeg biter negler eller ikke. Kjenner jeg meg selv rett, kan det resultere i likegyldighet. "Bare jeg står er det nok"...følgelig vil jeg prestere dårligere enn jeg kunne ha gjort. Men en C skal jeg være storfornøyd med.

Etter eksamen har jeg bestemt meg for at jeg skal få lov til å kjøpe et par skyhøye pumps. Gjerne i lakk. Sånne jeg alltid har hatt lyst på, men aldri hatt samvittighet til å kjøpe. En velfortjent treat. Yess. Jeg blir happy bare jeg tenker på det. Men dette er bare i den forutsetning at jeg føler eksamen har gått bra.
Festes skal det uansett. Jeg er vert for fredagens celebrasjon. Det skal bli bra! Men jeg prøver ikke ta gledene på forskudd. I første rekke skal det fokuseres på eksamen. Gledene taes i etterkant.

mandag 17. november 2008

"Le suicide" og den selvoppfyllende profeti

jeg har nå sittet i 6 timer og lest til eksamen i samfunnsvitenskaplige tenkemåter. den er fire dager unna. jeg begynner å bli så smått lei, og da er sifte av studieteknikk nødvendig. hvorfor ikke blogge litt om stoffet samtidig som å lære?

"Selvmordet" eller "Le Suicide" ble utgitt av Emile Durkheim, hvor han formulerte den sagnomsuste selvmordshypotesen. Han framsatte en teori om hvorledes selvmordsraten samvarierte med henholdsvis protestantiske og katolske aktørers sosiale integrasjon i nærmiljøet. Hans metode var et kvantitativt studie (mange enheter og få variabler - fokus på bredde) blant individer i tyske og sveitsiske provinser. ut i fra sine studier fant han ut at individer med protestantisktilhørighet var mer utsatte for selvmord enn katolske aktører. dette mente han var fordi den katoliske kirken stod sterkere i samfunnet og integrerte individer til en mer samlet gruppe enn potestantismen. det er ingen direkte effekt mellom teologisk tilhørighet og selvmordhyppighet, men i hvilken grad individet føler seg integrert i samfunnet.

Bilde fra den bisarre men litt kule internettbevegelsen "Suicide Girls" - alternative amatørbilder av tatoverte jenter []

Over til noe annet.
”Den selvoppfyllende profetien er i begynnelsen en feilaktig definisjon av situasjonen, som maner fram ny atferd, som i sin tur gjør at den opprinnelige feilaktige definisjonen blir sann” (Merton 1978). I forelesningssammenheng viste foreleser til dette eksempelet: "En student er bekymret for å stryke til eksamen. Han blir nervøs og klarer ikke å konsentrere seg om lesingen. Så stryker han" (Overbevist feiltagelse skaper sin egen falske bekreftelse). Det var vel mange studenter som følte seg truffet av denne teorien, deriblant meg selv.

Med andre ord: Kaller man en person for en tyv, vil han stjele.

lørdag 15. november 2008

the wackness and the revelations surrounding my reserved big brother

last night i went to the movies with my big brother. he also lives in Bergen, and from time to time we take the time off to socialize. he first asked if i wanted to see "burn after reading", but ive already seen that. then he asked if i wanted to see the new bond movie, but ive also seen that. he criticized my active movie-going, but i excused myself by referring to my rightful procrastination of reading in advance of my upcoming exam. so we decided to see "The Wackness"

i hadn't even heard about it before. but this movie was fuckin great. its about this kid (Josh Peck) in NYC who'd just graduated from HS and the hot summer following it. he's a drug dealer and works hard to earn money for college. along with his family's economic problems he is stuggling with the girls, more spesifically about losing his virginity. he goes to a shrink to talk about his issues. he trades services with the shrink in exchange of marijuana. the elderly shrink (Ben Kingsley) has his own problems. together they develope a unique friendship. at the same time, he falls in love with a girl from his class (Famke Janssen). the girl is his shrink's step daughter. together they spend the summer together. but everythings about to have an abrupt change when he says the L-word...

this movie is both fun and intelligent. i think it sums up the heat of NYC in the mid 90's with music influences such as Notorious B.I.G and the death of Kurt Cobain. Ben Kingsley, who stars as Dr. Jeffrey Squires, must take alot of credit for this movie. he plays an old and eccentric junkie with alot of humoristic tendencies. i recommend this movie highly.

after the movie me and by brother went for a beer. my brother doesn't really share much of his private life. not even with his family. it has always bothered me abit. a couple of weeks ago a bird whispered me in the ear and told me he has a girlfriend. whom he has never mentioned. when i confronted him he refused to talk about it. but last night i brought up the subject again, and he actually answered my curiousities. i now know abit about his lady friend. i know the hard facts as how old she is and where they met. the next step is that maybe i can meet her. but in his tempo, im sure thats not gonna happen until they're engaged in a 5-years time.

today, saturday, is his 25th birthday. i shall bake him a cake on sunday.

torsdag 13. november 2008

"the first time i've seen her smile"

i was at volleyball practice the other day, and i was setting up the net. the guys have their practices next to us, and one of them were kind enough to help me get set up. their coach said: "don't help the girls! help us!" and laughed. then I replied: "nooo; he's a gentleman," and smiled. then coach said: "thats actually the first time i've seen her smile". what?

is that really how people think of me? do i appear to be a grumpy bitch in unfamiliar people's eyes? devastating if true.
but all is relative, i tell myself. this guy has seem me in volleyball settings, and volleyball is an activity i guess i dont prioritate laughter. i asked a friend if that is how people see me, and she said no. i hope she's right.

in other news, my old room mate from cuba has finally got a facebook profile. i haven't seen her since december of last year. and i haven't really heard much from her either. she married her cuban boyfriend and they are now in norway together. crazy story. making contact with her again felt good. i started looking at different cuba pictures on facebook, and i came across a photo of my ex. i totally froze. i haven't heard or seen anything to him since the day i left. it was a clean cut, i guess you could say... all the months following our departing i focused hard on forgetting. it took some time, ill admit that, but i did manage it. and now, seeing him in a picture in some girl's album, were incredibly odd. it made me wonder:
what are you doing now? on the other side of the world.

do you think about me now and then?
in the picture he's wearing a pink arm band that says: "I <3 NERDS". i gave that to him on our first date... appearantly he's still wearing it. smile.

tirsdag 11. november 2008

anda sola

about being alone

after trying unsuccessfully to study at the library i went over to my favorite cafe next door and ordered a chocolate cake and a cafe latte. i was alone. the lady behind the desk told me that "if 'you girls' would like to sit outside, there were more chairs in the back". she was referring to me and two girls in line behind me. why is it that people immediately assume you are together with someone just because you're at a cafe? can't one simply enjoy some quality time with yourself and a cup og coffee? im a person who enjoys spending time by myself. i like walking alone, doing the things i like, without having to condider other peoples desires. is that so abnormal?

i'll take another example. last saturday night, after leaving my friends at the club, i stopped at a corner to text a friend. a man walking out of Cafe Opera came up to me and asked "if i was OK?" why the hell shouldn't i be okay? did he wonder if i was upset just because i was alone on a saturday night? i think its a shame that just because you choose to be alone, society looks at you with pity and not independant.

same goes for the summer. i travelled through europe for a month by train. alone. most people i came in contract with asked a bunch of questions as to why i wanted to travel all alone, and most of them concluded with "I could never do that in a million years."

Me in Paris this summer, alone and content

us human beings are undeniably social creatures. it is one of the main reasons as to why we've developed as far as we have by cooperating. but at the same time i honestly think its healthy to be alone at times. and i dont mean in the way of loneliness; but self-research. personally i like to listen to the silence inside. i think that people who say "I get so bored when Im alone", are really afraid of having to listen to your real self. when you spend a long period by yourself, you really have np choice but to listen to yourself. and learn. after all, getting to know yourself is the most important friendship you can make in your life time. cus if you dont know yourself; how can anyone?

shut up its not emo its tuff.

Christina told me about the year she lived by herself and how it ulitimately turned out to be the best year she'd ever had. "I really should spend more time by myself. I am, in the end, the best company I can have."
I think there's a method to the madness.

mandag 10. november 2008

sauna philosophy and joystick action

this day
10-14: 4 hour lecture ex.phil and sv 100
14-16: chillout/home and away/dinner time
16-18: library, reading for the upcoming exam
18-19: gym workout. i started out way too heavy at a "stair"-machine and became absurdly [synonyms: ridiculously incongruous or unreasonable] sore in my thighs. it was unbearable and i only lasted about 3 minutes on the following treadmill. i continued with weights. quite dull.
i randomly ran into an old friend from HS. i hadn't seen her in over half a year. we chatted abit about whats new and agreed upon having a cafe meet on saturday. it shall be nice.

after practice i sat in the sauna for a while. there were two girls in there as well (the gym is really crowed in the afternoon). one of the girls immediately started talking about tattoos after my arrival. it wasnt anyhting negative, but i started to think about some peoples ignorance when it comes to lack of discretion to others. it seems like alot of peoples mind dont cross when they obviously starts talking about a certain matter when certain persons arrive. its like, if you're standing in line with your friend, and a punk enters the room; you start taking about how ugly you find mohawks.
its not necessarily a concious act, but non the less ignorant. think before you speak. thats the words of wisdom this day.

moreover, i wanted to post this fantastic picture from last saturday at my friends 20th bday. we were drinking as she pulled up her nintendo. the combination of alcohol and joystick action was priceless. look at how much in focus i look:

a fun night with the girls, which ended at the "Scotsman". Virgin tour for Elisabeth. Congrats babe!

søndag 9. november 2008

why does it always hail on me?

sunday. the day everone's hung over and everyone looks like crap. its simply the day no one looks good. well, i decided to change that. i woke up in good spirit and decided to do my hair and put on something qute. i went to the library and read (as the new and good studend i have decided to become). everything was going well until, da-da, the weather caught me off guard. again. i seem to see a pattern concerning this problem in Bergen... it was raining rediculously at first, but then it started to freakin hail. that sucks.

at night i went to the movies with costudent Audi and we saw the new Bond movie, "Quantum of Solace". the only two available seats left were front row. that was quite annoying at first...having to turn your head in order to get "the big picture" etc. it was a great movie. you should see it. the ukranian bond girl, Olga Kurylenko, is FYI seriously beautiful. i will put a pic up:

is this how perfection looks like?

torsdag 6. november 2008

efficiency, christina and guys not getting it

its november 5th. its exactly 16 days until im going to fail my SV100 exam, and im taking it disturbingly calm. not quite true; i have decided to start studying every day until the exam. every day. you have my electronic words.

my efficient day of november 5th:
10-12: Ex.phil lexture. Unbelievably dull.
12-14: Library (first time actually) with Christina. I read some SV100 shit and tutored Christina in her spanish skills.
14.30-15: Lunch with Christina at a very cosey cafe next to the library. Had a chocolate cake and a cafe latte. Very nice.

15-17: Shoe-shopping with Christina. 500 kr.
17-18: Made and ate a delicious dinner with spaghetti bolognese etc. Very nice. My cooking abilities are improving by the minute.
18-19.30: Went to the gym. Ran nearly 30 minutes on the treadmill. Pat on my back. Lifted some weights.
19.30: Showered at the gym at sat a bit in the sauna. I know its bad for the skin but sometimes the temptation overwhelms me. For some odd reason I do my best thinking in the steamy room... Just look here:

20: Im walking back home and a message beeped in on my cell. Hell. It was this guy I met on a party last saturday. He is absolutely not my type, but he seems to think we hit it off; because he has been sending me alot of messages. I have reluctantly answered 2/3 times, but only by politeness and objetivity. Most cases, person no.1 does get the picture when person no.2 clearly backs off. But not this guy, ohh no. He just keeps on pushing it! First he asked me ("chica hermosa") to go on a hike to one of the city's mountain peeks (Fløyen). I would normally have thought was interesting idea for a date, only I dont KNOW the guy and I dont want to. And he asks my to go on a freaking mountain top? What the heck... I declined, and he asks me what I will do in the weekend. I say: Im going to my parents house. He says: Oh okay, maybe we can hang out next weekend then? Does he have AIDS or something? - Sorry, very untasteful of me. Its just...I get so annoyed with guys that just dont know when to call it a quit!

21-22.55: Movies with Christina: "Burn After Reading", you know, that new movie with Brad Pitt, John Malkovich and George Clooney. Thats some weird shit man. You'd have to watch it, cus' I can't start analyzing this movie here. Black humor. Weird. Funny. Just the way I like it. Brad Pitt was brilliant.

Serious quality time with Christina today. I hope she hasn't grown tired of me yet:p

onsdag 5. november 2008


i woke up this morning to the magnificant message that Barack Obama had won the american presidental election. Thank God. i actually believe in his words of change and hope. he's a poet in his way of speech. i can now say i have high expectations to the United States. its about time. but i start thinking about the 2pac song "Changes":

Come on come on
I see no changes wake up in the morning and I ask myself
is life worth living should I blast myself?
I'm tired of bein' poor and even worse I'm black
my stomach hurts so I'm lookin' for a purse to snatch
Cops give a damn about a negro
pull the trigger kill a nigga he's a hero
Give the crack to the kids who the hell cares
one less hungry mouth on the welfare
First ship 'em dope and let 'em deal the brothers
give 'em guns step back watch 'em kill each other
It's time to fight back that's what Huey said
2 shots in the dark now Huey's dead
I got love for my brother but we can never go nowhere
unless we share with each other
We gotta start makin' changes
learn to see me as a brother instead of 2 distant strangers
and that's how it's supposed to be
How can the devil take a brother if he's close to me?
I'd love to go back to when we played as kids
but things change, and that's the way it is

That's just the way it is
Things'll never be the same
That's just the way it is
aww yeah

I see no changes all I see is racist faces
misplaced hate makes disgrace to races
We under I wonder what it takes to make this
one better place, let's erase the wasted
Take the evil out the people they'll be acting right
'cause both black and white is smokin' crack tonight
and the only time we chill is when we kill each other
it takes skill to be real, time to heal each other
And although it seems heaven sent
We ain't ready, to see a black President, uhh
It ain't a secret don't conceal the fact
the penitentiary's packed, and it's filled with blacks
But some things will never change
try to show another way but you stayin' in the dope game
Now tell me what's a mother to do
bein' real don't appeal to the brother in you
You gotta operate the easy way
I made a G today But you made it in a sleazy way
sellin' crack to the kids. I gotta get paid,
Well hey, that's the way it is

That's just the way it is
Things'll never be the same
That's just the way it is
aww yeah

We gotta make a change...
It's time for us as a people to start makin' some changes.
Let's change the way we eat, let's change the way we live
and let's change the way we treat each other.
You see the old way wasn't working so it's on us to do
what we gotta do, to survive.

And still I see no changes can't a brother get a little peace
It's war on the streets and the war in the Middle East
Instead of war on poverty they got a war on drugs
so the police can bother me
And I ain't never did a crime I ain't have to do
But now I'm back with the blacks givin' it back to you
Don't let 'em jack you up, back you up,
crack you up and pimp smack you up
You gotta learn to hold ya own
~they get~ jealous when they see ya with ya mobile phone
But tell the cops they can't touch this
I don't trust this when they try to rush I bust this
That's the sound of my tool you say it ain't cool
my mama didn't raise no fool
And as long as I stay black I gotta stay strapped
and I never get to lay back
'Cause I always got to worry 'bout the pay backs
some buck that I roughed up way back
comin' back after all these years
rat-tat-tat-tat-tat that's the way it is uhh

That's just the way it is
Things'll never be the same
That's just the way it is
aww yeah

You're my brother, you're my sister
That's just the way it is (way it is,way it is)
Things will never be the same
You're my brother, you're my sister
That's the way it is
Aww yeah

Some things will never change

We're finally ready too see a black president.

Hollywood also mobilized themselves to the democratic cause during the campaign, take a look at's contributions:

We Are The Ones Song by - Obama

Yes We Can - Barack Obama Music Video

and the reverse methode concerning voting:

mandag 3. november 2008

I am Legend

After sleeping unsatisfyingly 3 hours last night, I was in a pretty lousy condition during my four hour lextures today. When I came back home I decided to take the day 'off' and be lazy. I finally saw "I am Legend", a pirate copy i bought this summer in Torrevieja.

Will Smith is great. Always. I already had great expectations to the movie based on Smith's appearance. He always seem to star in some kind of sci-fi movie and ends up saving the world (hence titles such as "Independence Day", "I Robot", "Hancock" and "Man in Black"). They're rediculous but highly entertaining.

Smith didn't disappoint in "I am Legend" either. I was scared of the virus-infected creatures and I almost sobbed when Sam died (the dog). Smith's portrayed very well how man eventually will turn crazy without human-touch. Because he is the only human left on the earth, he desperately tried to keep sane by every day talking to mannequins in the video store.

"I... I promised a friend I would say hello to you today."
[begins to cry]
"Please say hello to me."
"Please say hello to me."

That just broke my heart.

The digital graphics aspects of the movie weren't that good, but I liked how they'd transformed the streets of NY to a ghost town. But what was up with those deers running around? Didn't quite get that. Furthermore I loved how his character referred to Bob Marley as a genious and kept on playing "Don't worry, every little thing is gonna be alright", even though he supposedly was the last man on earth and had to deal with demonized beings that wants to kill him. The humoristic twist and irony in the movie is a nice comic relief. I particulary loved this quote (on Bob Marley):

"He had this idea. It was kind of a virologist idea. He believed that you could cure racism and hate... literally cure it, by injecting music and love into people's lives. When he was scheduled to perform at a peace rally, a gunman came to his house and shot him down. Two days later he walked out on that stage and sang. When they asked him why - He said, "The people, who were trying to make this world worse... are not taking a day off. How can I? Light up the darkness."

Will Smith is a sexy beast. Always have been. When I googled for a cover pic, this turned up:

Okay? Will Smith appears not to be the first actor playing this legend-role. I haven't seen this original(?) but I can somehow foresee that I prefer the newer addition.

lørdag 1. november 2008


i was at a costudents halloween party last night.
i was an alien.
i had red wine.
i discovered that red wine dont really agree with me.
i became under the influence and
my high heels didnt do anything good for me.
note to self: stick to beer in the future.
we went to two different clubs, Klarbar and Cafe Opera.
i love cafe opera. its international and people will just come up to you and say "Eres muy bella" and just assume you know spanish. and i like that.
i was supposed to get up at 7 this morning because we had a volleyball game starting at 8:30.
needless to say, i overslept severely and didnt make it. but they managed without me and won. yay:)