yesterday's events:7.00: martine should wake up
8.00: martine wakes up
8.10: martine puts some clothes on and runs downtown to meet the girls she had planned on taking a taxi with to the exam
8.30: they soon discover there is
no way they can get a taxi there in time for the exam
8.40: they jump on a local bus
8.55: they arrive the exam
9.00: the exam
starts13.00: martine puts her pen down and is content with her job
13.30: martine returns to her house with christina along. she puts on
britney spears and is overjoyed
14.00: martine, christina, sara, maria alexandra and victoria eats porridge
15.00: then they head for the Baran Cafe and drinks one
beer each
16.00: martine shops a back pair of power-
pumps. she is very satisfyed with both price and appearance
17.00: martine goes food shopping
18.00: martine cleans the entire house
20.30: costudents arrive her house and they start drinking
00.30: people are starting to leave, but martine is delayed by the news of someones
puke all over the stairway. martine starts to try cleaning the redwine stings from the white tapestry, but it is no good. she concludes that the only solution is a paint job. meanwhile, she is also amazed by the geographical area a person is able to puke
02.00(?): martine cleans up after the party and puts on her new pumps. it is snowing and icy out, but it does not matter
first she visits Cafe Opera, followed by Scotsman. she is hit on by a lesbian lady who told her she had a heart attack last week.
03.00: nachspill at Sara's. status is more than a little bit drunk
04.30: martine is finally home and goes to
sleep12.00: martine wakes up and has a headache but is happy about last night's events. the rest of the day is spent doing absolutely nothing.
we have just finished the exam
have're having a well earned beer
girls from my class: sara, victoria and christina