after trying unsuccessfully to study at the library i went over to my favorite cafe next door and ordered a chocolate cake and a cafe latte. i was alone. the lady behind the desk told me that "if 'you girls' would like to sit outside, there were more chairs in the back". she was referring to me and two girls in line behind me. why is it that people immediately assume you are together with someone just because you're at a cafe? can't one simply enjoy some quality time with yourself and a cup og coffee? im a person who enjoys spending time by myself. i like walking alone, doing the things i like, without having to condider other peoples desires. is that so abnormal?

i'll take another example. last saturday night, after leaving my friends at the club, i stopped at a corner to text a friend. a man walking out of Cafe Opera came up to me and asked "if i was OK?" why the hell shouldn't i be okay? did he wonder if i was upset just because i was alone on a saturday night? i think its a shame that just because you choose to be alone, society looks at you with pity and not independant.
same goes for the summer. i travelled through europe for a month by train. alone. most people i came in contract with asked a bunch of questions as to why i wanted to travel all alone, and most of them concluded with "I could never do that in a million years."

us human beings are undeniably social creatures. it is one of the main reasons as to why we've developed as far as we have by cooperating. but at the same time i honestly think its healthy to be alone at times. and i dont mean in the way of loneliness; but self-research. personally i like to listen to the silence inside. i think that people who say "I get so bored when Im alone", are really afraid of having to listen to your real self. when you spend a long period by yourself, you really have np choice but to listen to yourself. and learn. after all, getting to know yourself is the most important friendship you can make in your life time. cus if you dont know yourself; how can anyone?

Christina told me about the year she lived by herself and how it ulitimately turned out to be the best year she'd ever had. "I really should spend more time by myself. I am, in the end, the best company I can have."
I think there's a method to the madness.
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