so the deal is this, my volleyball team had three remaining games this season before the weekend started. due to lack of players and etc., our results have not been satisfactory, which lead to the fact that we needed to win the remaining 2/3 games in order to stay in the 2. division.
well. i stayed home both friday and saturday to be in my best condition possible, under stickt orders by team mates and coach.
saturday we played against Stord in Stemmemyrshallen. we totally owned them thoughout the entire game. we played like royals and beat them 3-0 in sets. a great victory. we finally played as a team and it felt undeniably good.
sunday the game was set to be in Fyllingsdalen, a bussride outside of the centro. well, on a our arrival, the fire hose were fully spouting the entrance and hallway. everything was absolutely soaked and the windows smashed out. a break in had cleary taken place at the local school gym, much to our dissatisfaction. we had to call the police and wait for their approval of entry. after being delayed about an hour, the game finally started. it was against Trio, which we have lost quite strongly to on earlier occations. but! luckily we continued our brilliant play from previous game. we won the first set:)
we collapsed abit during the second set, and lost it.
the third set we gave a comeback and took them down.
the forth set was incredibly intense and more exciting than i think i can handle. it ended 26-28 to Trio and i was seriously pissed (read dissapointed).
so. the final 5th set, which we all know only reaches 15 points, were breathtakingly exciting. at one point, i think Trio even led by a 6-2 score, which isn't a desirable score. but somehow, we managed to get back on track. at 13-13, i was the one to serve. the first serve was a pointer, and the last ball (in our favor), Siri smacked to the floor. we all jumped hysterically in a circle and were utterly happy. and exhausted. we've secured our endurance in 2.division. the third game kicks off sometime after my departure to mexico. i wish them luck.
this game truly put a smile on my face and reminded my how much i love volleyball.
...although loving it and problably concidering it to be a part of what i define as me; i have decided to quit playing volleyball. so you see this was my last game ever. it meant a great deal to me winning this last game., being able to "end it with class", you know.
so thanx alot girls. i've enjoyed the season alot (even though we had a couple more 'downs' than 'ups' resultwise)!
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