Okay, here it goes:
1. I have a twin brother. No, we don’t look alike (he’s 6’5 and has brown hair).
2. When I was a kid my dad used to call me Houdini, because I could get out of any sort of physical trap. I used to not want to go to bed when I was a baby, so this one time my folks tied me to my bed (I know that sounds wrong). but somehow I got up (with the mattress on my back), and climbed out the 3rd. floor window. Luckily my aunt walked past outside; saw some white diapers hanging out of the window, and leaped to my rescue. True story (or so I’ve been told).
3. I don’t take criticism very well, at least not if it’s a touchy subject to me.
4. I sob like a baby whenever there has to do anything with death. It frightens me because I can’t get my head around it.
5. I hate my skin.
6. I appreciate people who can tell me something I don’t already know.
7. I sing all of the time. If not out loud, trust you me, there’s a radio that never shuts down inside my head.
8. I live for impulsiveness, even though I know it could get me in trouble.
9. I love listening to music and memorizing lyrics. My biggest downfall in life is that I’m musical.
10. Travelling is what I live for. Can’t seem to keep myself at one place over a long period of time…
11. I’m a lazy bum and I like my comfort.
12. I’m a decent listener and advise-giver.
13. I’m a pathetic people-pleaser and say yes to most favors, even though I don’t necessarily want to.
14. I’m horrible at math and cooking; which I try to avoid as much as I possibly can.
15. I’m a total geek about old movies from the 50’s… I’m a sucker for James Dean, Marlon Brando, Elizabeth Tyler, Marilyn Monroe and Audry Hepburn…all ‘em good stuff:)
16. I'm afraid of commitment (hey, first step is realizing you have a problem, right?) :p
17. I write to keep sane. I’ve kept a journal since I learned how to write.
18. I'm feminine and love dressing up but underneath I’m the biggest tomboy ever...I'm extremely competative.
19. I like to dance, but can't take directions whatsoever.
20. I can't stand it when people I care about are mad me.
21. I have the greatest friends ever. And keeping in touch with the few precious ones is very important to me.
22. I understand more or less 6 languages.
23. I spend way too much time on the computer.
24. I know I was meant for great things, it least greater than this.
25. I used to worry a lot. Over the years I’ve learned not to. Nowadays not very much really gets to me anymore. I kinda wish it would.
2 kommentarer:
Én til random ting om deg, du drar til København neste helg! :)
That we do:) gleder meg som en unge i en gotteributikk! X)
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