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And I just talked for 1 1/2 hours to my sweetheart Christina on Skype! Its been months since we last talked so we had alot of stuff to gossip about. I love her! <3
I noticed that we have 41 photos on facebook together. That`s gotta be worth something!
PS: I feel better than I have in a long time. Things are looking up. And its not because I ran with the dogs, mom:p
i did something important that was way overdue and although it was hard and i was nervous it was worth doing it it still hurts, but it is a preferred pain from the one before i feel alot better now:)
thursday i am going to Guadalajara, which lies 4 hours towards the western coast. i will meet up with a friend from england that i met while in Mexico last year. should be fun. we have monday off at school which meens another day of vacationing! perhaps i will go to Puerta Vallarta while in the neighborhood. i havent seen a single beach since i arrived Mexico in January! how ironic:p
If a man wants you, nothing will keep him away. If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay. Stop making excuses for him and his behavior. Stop trying to change yourselves for a relationship that's not meant to be. Slower is always better. If a relationship ends because he was not treating you as you deserve, then no you can't "be friends." A friend wouldn't mistreat a friend. Don't stay because you think "it will get better." The only person you can control in a relationship is you. Maintain boundaries. Always have your own set of friends separate from his. Never let him know everything. He could use it against you later. You can't change his behavior. Change comes from within. Don't ever make him feel he is more important than you are... even if he has more education or in a better job. He is a man, nothing more nothing less. Never let him define who you are. Never borrow someone else's man. If he cheated with you, he'll cheat on you. A man will only treat you the way you allow him to treat you. You need time to heal between relationships...there is nothing cute about baggage. Deal with your issues before pursuing a new relationship. You should never look for someone to complete you...a relationship consists of two whole individuals. Dating is fun...even if he doesn't turn out to be Mr. Right. Make him miss you sometimes...when he always knows where you are, and your always readily available to him- he takes it for granted. Lastly, don't fully commit to a man who doesn't give you everything you deserve.
- as long as i am drunk and have friends around me.
i sung at a karaokee bar tonight, sober(ish). dimelo by enrique iglesias. turnes out the song has alot of other words than the just ref. i dare say it was an emberassing experience, but nontheless im proud of myself for doing something i was uncomfortable with doing.
now, i will go to sleep now for a long time.
lourdes says i have to stop judging myself for stuff in the past that i wasnt to blame for. i think she's right, i just dont know how to change what i feel abt my past, u know?
ps. why are u not telling me everyhing. what are u waiting for. are you scared. in that case, you are right.
today, after talking about personal experiences in the past with my host mom, she seriously indicaded that i should seek professional help when i get back to norway. or in other words; pay money to talk to an psychologist. i have always thought that going to a person like this is something that doesnt concern me. i am okay. i live in norway, i have great possibilities. i have nothing in my life that should indicate that i need someone to help me work on my feelings. when i think about people seek professional help, i think about rich americans in new york whose life are so problem free that they create fictional problems just to have something to occupy themselves with. hey, when i think abt it, that last part sounds just like me...
According to Wikipedia psychology is defined like this: Psychology (lit. "study of the soul" or "study of the mind")[1] is an academic and applied discipline that involves the scientific study of human (or animal) mental functions and behaviors. In this field, a professional practitioner or researcher is called a psychologist. Psychologists are classified as social or behavioral scientists. Psychologists attempt to understand the role of mental functions in individual and social behavior, while also exploring underlying physiological and neurological processes.
Psychologists study such topics as perception, cognition, attention, emotion, motivation, brain functioning (neuropsychology), personality, behavior, and interpersonal relationships. Some, especially depth psychologists, also consider the unconscious mind.a In addition, or in opposition, to employing empirical and deductive methods, clinical psychologists sometimes rely upon symbolic interpretation and other inductive techniques.
Psychological knowledge is applied to various spheres of human activity, including the family, education, and employment, as well as to the treatment of mental health problems. Psychology includes many diverse sub-fields such as human development, sports, health, industry, media, and law. Psychology incorporates research from the social sciences, natural sciences, and humanities.
There are wars in the world so strong, I dont know!
okaa, jeg skal vaere den foerste aa innroemme at jeg til tider kan vaere i det meste laget negativ. har man en daarlig dag saa er det ikke saa lett aa skifte akkuart det.
i dag stod jeg opp og sa til meg selv: i dag skal bli en bra dag. det startet likevel litt skrunglete ved en tre-timers maleklasse, hvor vi begynte paa et nytt maleri. vi skulle atter en gang male naken modell, og av den elendigste modellen jeg har sett (har bare malt to stk hittil, men likevel! hu suger!) jeg sier dette fordi hun beveger seg hele tiden. og i dag, da laereren var utenfor, ringte tlf hennes... og vet du hva hun gjorde? hun tok den og begynte aa preike. what the fuck. ho faar liksom betalt for aa sitte i ro, en jobb som er rimlig chill om du spoer meg, og hu klarer ikke det engang.
i gaar forhoerte jeg meg om hvordan jeg ligger an i faget "pintura", og den strenge argentinske laererinnen min fortalte at jeg hadde 7. og det er paa en skala fra 6-10, hvor 6 er stryk. dette fikk jeg selvfoelgelig hetta over. det boer nevnes at det sies at hun er streng med karakterene, men jeg foelte meg litt urettferdig behandlet, i og med at jeg har stilt opp paa det aller aller fleste timene, i motsetning til mange andre... at innsatsen eller oppmoete ikke skal telle inn paa karakteren whatsoever synes jeg er merkelig. saa i dag, da jeg begynte aa skisse dama med makk i baken, fikk jeg helt prestasjonsangst. nei, nei, nei sa jeg til meg selv. laereren min, miranda, sa at jeg maatte ta det med ro. men jeg kommer jo til aa stryke i klassen din visst jeg ikke skjerper meg! sa jeg frustrert. hun sa at det var det ingen fare for, og at jeg maatte huske at jeg egentlig ikke studerer kunst og i bunn og grunn er en nybegynner som aldri har tatt kunstfag foer. joda, det er sant, vedgikk jeg. dessuten maatte jeg ikke sammenligne meg med de andre studentene, som er paa sitt 4.aar og som har som maal og faa arbeid innenfor sjangeren. og naar alt kom til alt, sa hun; saa gjorde jeg det ganske bra. med èn gang karakterer kommer inn i bildet vettu, da gaar martine paa veggene. det er bare det at jeg liker aa gjoere det bra i de tingene jeg gjoer. dersom jeg suger i alt jeg gjoer saa gjoer jo ikke det meg saerlig happy, right?
anyways, nok om det!!!
etter skolen spiste jeg lunsj med Whitney paa Antik (det gjoer vi nesten hver dag). saa gikk jeg hjem og tok en av hundene med ut paa en oppdagelsestur. den daarlige samvittigheten ved ikke aa ta hundene med ut paa loepetur den siste maaneden har knagd i meg. jeg har ikke trent whatsoever, men naa var det paa tide aa faa fingen ut!!! jeg tror nok mangelen paa trening har bidratt til at de moerke skyene har fulgt meg i det siste. fiktive moerke skyer. som jeg kan blaase bort saa lett som bare det. jeg maa bare ha litt gusts.
PS: eg og whiteny skal til weekend trip til Gudalajara neste helg PPS: brente meg godt forrige ute da jeg sovna i sola uten solkrem. men en uke etterpaa er det blitt et brunt og jevnt resultat. hehe
noen bilder fra april i guanajuato: being artsy at the local gay bar "Whoopies" is it weird i dont have a boyfriend? flowers outside of la banqueta alta, where i live;) my favorite couple: whitney y pamela
jeg har ikke hatt lyst aa skrive noe paa en stund, og dagboka mi er ogsaa blitt neglisjert paa de groveste den siste tiden. jeg er i mexico og burde ikke klage, men helvete, jeg gjoer det likevel. ting er dritt. jeg mangler motivasjon. vil bare sove og at alt skal ordne seg. og saa skulle jeg oenske at de gode dagene kom hyppigere enn de daarlige, noe de ikke gjoer. men den eneste som kan fikse ting er meg selv, i know that. ive been here before. kanskje i morra...
-Quizá no fue coincidencia encontrarme contigo. [Tal vez esto lo hizo el destino.] -Quiero dormirme de nuevo en tu pecho [Y después me despierten tus besos.]
-Tu sexto sentido aún sueña conmigo, Se que pronto estaremos unidos. -Esa sonrisa traviesa que vive conmigo, Se que pronto estaré en tu camino.
-[Sabes que estoy colgando en tus manos, asi que no me dejes caer. Sabes que estoy colgando en tus manos.]-
-Te envío poemas de mi puño y letra. [Te envío canciones de 4 40.] -Te envío las fotos cenando en Marbella [Y cuando estuvimos por Venezuela.] -[Y así me recuerdes y tengas presente que mi corazón está colgando en tus manos. Cuidado, cuidado, que mi corazón está colgando en tus manos. ]-
-No perderé la esperanza de hablar contigo. [Quiero beberme de ti todo lo prohibido. -Quiero amanecer besando toda, toda tu ternura. [Y beberme de ti lo prohibido]
-[sabes que estoy colgando en tus manos]- [asi que no me dejes caer] -sabes -[que estoy colgando en tus manos]-
-Te envío poemas de mi puño y letra. [Te envío canciones de 4 40.] -Te envío las fotos cenando en Marbella [Y cuando estuvimos por Venezuela.] -Y así y asi me recuerdes y tengas presente [que mi corazón está colgando en tus manos. (Cuidado,) cuidado, mucho cuidao, cuidao Marta yo te digo me tienes en tus manos. ]-
[No importa que diga el destino quedate con migo] (cuidado, mucho cuidao) -Lo quiero todo de ti tus labios tu carino lo prohibido
-[Te envío poemas de mi puño y letra. Te envío canciones de 4 40. Te envío las fotos cenando en Marbella Y cuando estuvimos por Venezuela. Y así me recuerdes y tengas presente que mi corazón está colgando en tus manos. Cuidado, cuidado, que mi corazón está colgando en tus manos. que mi corazón está colgando en tus manos. que mi corazón está colgando en tus manos.]
Hjernen din fungerte ikke og familien din bestemte seg for aa slaa av respiratoren i dag. Du hadde skrevet deg opp som organdonor - og vil med dette redde 6 mennesker i din bortgang. Det er saa utrolig vondt aa vite at du er borte. Taarene stopper ikke og jeg klarer ikke gjoere noe annet enn aa tenke paa deg.
Vakre Julie Jeg kan ikke forstaa det som har skjedd med deg her jeg sitter paa rommet mitt i Mexico. Nyheten om at du ligger i koma etter hjernebloedning er ufattelig. Doktorene sier det er et under om du vaakner igjen. Det er nedbrytende aa hoere, men de var hvertfall aerlige. Jeg har ingen annen maate aa uttrykke min sorg paa enn aa benytte meg av bloggen min...selv om ord blir fattige. Jeg er i sjokk. Jeg venter paa aa faa hoere at du vaakner opp og at alt er som foer. Du er alt for ung til aa maatte gaa gjennom noe slikt. Og jeg haaper saa inderlig at det kun er noe 'du maa gaa gjennom'. Men jeg har en god foelelse over at det kommer til aa gaa bra. Jeg tror kanskje ikke paa noen gud, men jeg tror paa karma. - Gode ting skjer gode mennesker, som en venn en gang sa. Det kommer til aa gaa bra med deg, vennen min. Det maa det gjoere. Den sterke livsgleden din er noe jeg mang en gang har misunnet deg; maaten du alltid har energi til aa gjoere tusen ting paa en dag, mens jeg bare klarer aa gjoere en broekdel at det du gjoer. Du er alltid en gjennomfoert glad og positiv jente. For ikke aa glemme vannvittig morsom. En person jeg nyter aa tilbringe tid med.
Tilgi meg for at jeg sier at jeg har sett paa deg som en maskott i latinamerika-gjengen, siden du er den yngste. Likevel har vi vaert paa en upaaklagelig boelgelengde, baade i feststemninger og i serioese stunder. Gode minner som har vaert og som skal komme Mitt favorittminne er kanskje da vi dro til Roskildefestivalen sammen i fjor sommer. vi saa pete dogherty og drakk roedvin ut av pappkartong, mens vi skrek Fuck Forever! i kor med vokalisten. Foer Coldplay-konserten stakk vi innom paa impuls innom en "human-drive-way", der vi i alkoholrus strippet ned i undertoeyet og loep inn i en transparent gang der vi ble vasket i saape av en muskelbunt. Klin hakkande galne. Etterfulgt av en skumkrig oss i mellom - med tilskuere heiende utenfor. Jeg har aldri ledd saa hardt i hele mitt liv. Etterpaa fulgte et hemmelig chillout spaa i bakrommet med gratis drinker og haarfoener. Vi stakk dog av rimlig kjapt etter at en haarete engelskmann hadde overbevist meg om aa gi meg en litt for vennlig massaje. Du bestemte deg likegodt for aa bevare den hvite badekaapen du hadde faatt gratis. Vi dro hver for oss etter festivalen, jeg hjem til norge - og du skulle videre paa interrail med fly til Barcelona. Jeg veddet med deg om at du ikke turte aa gaa med badekaapen helt til du kom frem, og du aksepterte sporty.
Noen bilder av oss sammen.
Hva jeg prover aa si her er at Julie, du er en av min beste nylige venner. Du betyr saa absolutt noe for meg. Jeg har kjent deg i 2 aar naa. La det bli flere! Du hadde dine planer klare om aa komme hit til Guanajuato i Mexico med meg neste semester. Jeg har sett frem til aa faa deg hit, selv om jeg har spaadd at du kommer til aa stjele alle guttene:p Jeg har fortalt alle mine venner om deg og de gleder seg til aa moete deg. Ikke skuff dem.
Positiv energi Jeg foeler meg hjelpesloes her jeg sitter. Lourdes er heldigvis med min side og vi har graatt sammen. Hun sier at det er en grunn til at jeg nettopp har oppsoekt hellige steder i soeramerika, som Machu Picchu og Isla del Sol...og det er for aa samle energi som jeg kan forbrede meg til aa nytte. Jeg skjoenner ikke hvorfor slike meningsloese ting skal skje mens jeg er borte. Ellen Maries doed var hardt aa takle, og saa skal dette skje. Lourdes sa at det er en grunn til at jeg er borte mens alt dette skjer., fordi jeg har en sart sjel og at det ville vaert hardere om jeg hadde vaert i Bergen. Hun sier at jeg kan hjelpe enda mer her i fra, ved aa sende all min positive energi til deg i sykesenga. Og snakke til deg. Jeg vet det hoerest tullete ut, men jeg maa nesten bare klamre meg til det jeg kan, og haape at den spirituelle verden kan bistaa med hjelp.
Jeg er glad i deg Julie. Jeg oensker deg og din familie alt det beste.
It is 15.11 in the afternoon and i am sitting at an internet cafe in the pueblo twenty minuetes outside of the great Machu Picchu! I had a long day yesterday getting here... I guess I should start at the beginning, with some short info!
I was in Lima from sunday night to wednesday night. I slept at the student residence where Linn Victoria and Barbro lives. They had school when I was there, so I joined them in class on monday. tuesday I went to the rich city part of Miraflores, where i encountered a nice norwegian named David. We hung out all day and met up with the girl at night to go out for a bite. We drunk some red wine, but didnt end up being too late...wednesday we went shopping. at night m, BB and LV, went to the bus station and drove for 10 hours to Ayacucho to celebrate "semana santa" there. we met up with a local friend of LV and hung out with him. after two days I had to leave. the bus ride from Ayacucho to Cusco it something i will never forget. it was 20 hours. without a bathroom on the bus. the road did not have pavement. the roads were way too narrow and the mountain sides where steeper than the tallest mountain in norway. at one time, the driver almost crashed into an oncoming car. the second driver yelled at him and was mad. so instead of talking about it, they immediately took it "outside" and a following twenty minutes fist-fight was on. my goodness. i had my sleeping bag, so i chose to curl up in the back of the bus to get a little sleep as the bus was standing still... later, near Cuzco, i had to pee SO bad. finally i decided to go to the front and ask if we could stop on the top of the mountain. they agreed to stop. almost all the passangers got up and went outside...so it wasnt only i how heard the nature calling desperately...
i arrives cuzco 3 pm. i jumped in the first taxi i found. he was very helpful. i had to get to aguascalientes at night time, which is near Machu Picchu. i wanted to get there the day before so i could get up in the early morning to go there. it turnes out this was harder than expected. i had to drive in a taxi 1 and a half our from Cuzco to Ollantaytambo, where I had to buy a train ticket. there i waited in line for an eternaty, only to know i had to pay 430 SOLES, which is over 800 kroners, for this reservation. this was bc ppl book in advance for months, and i had not. oh well, i thought to myself that this is a once in a lifetime experience, "koste hva det koste vil". in Ollantaytambo i had to take a mini bus to Piscales (o algo asi), where the train was departing. my train was the last one for the night. because of what i payed, i found myself in the VIP cupé, which was nice. i asked a peruvian woman in the same wagon what she payed, and she said 100 SOLES. what the fuck. so i had to pay 4xas much as them? oh well, c'est la vie. the train to aguascalientes was an hour and a half. at arrival i was offered a hostel for the night by an old lady for 30 SOLES (60 kr) con agua caliente. i was a little sceptic, but it turned out my worries were unnecessary. it was a nice place and i had a lovely hot shower.
i put my alarm at 4.30 to get up to buy my Entrada and bus ticket up to Machu Picchu. i was in MP at around 6 am. i payed a pivate guide to give me an 2 hour round. after that i hiked the big mountain which u can see in all the pics of the site. it was a HARD hike which took a little under 1 hour. very steep and slippery stones and caves.but it was DEFINATELY worth it, because the view was amazing.
i spent the rest of the day relaxing at the site. and went downtown at around 2 o clock. suficiente tiempo.
now my departure with train is at 7.50. i hope to make it to Czco before 9 so that i can jump on a bus to Puno and Lago Titicaca....so that i can be there in the morning. unfortunately i forgot my sleeping bag at the previous busride...and they say busrides at night can get v/cold. i guess i would just have to wear the llama poncho i bought in ayacucho! :)