i rented this movie a couple of days ago and watched it with torstein. its a movie thats a winner for bots genders by my opinion. its about a girl and her dad and uncle who attempts to cross the boarder from Mexico to the States illegally by train. we also follow the story of a guy that is a member of the latin american criminal brothership of the "maras". the maras are easily recognized by their many tattooes, foremost by facial tattoes. if a mara has commited murder, he will have a tear tattoed beside his eye. the boy wants to get out of it, and while on a misson (while robbing emigrants on the same train as the girl is, he decides to kill the other mara that is with him). there is a 11 year old kid there who is struggelig to be a part of the gang. the kid looks up to the old guy, and finds himself in a difficult position, having to return to the gang and telling them about what has happened. he swears to avenge the death of the leader mara, and promises to kill his former hero. the guy is now on the train, also trying to get out of the country and the mess hes left behind, knowing the maras dont forget easily and will be hunting for him and wont stop until they find him.
the escaped boy and the girl on the train finds each other and decides to jump off the train for an optional exit out of Mexico.
I recommend this movie alot!

According to Wikipedia, this is the description of the "maras":
Maras (or marabuntas) are gangs originating from Central American countries such as El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala.
Maras activities range from drug trafficking and prostitution to assaults and burglaries. Almost all maras display tattoos on their bodies as a sign of their affiliation to their gang. "La vida por las maras" or "the life for the gang" is a very commonly used phrase by these gangs. The killing of innocents is part of some gangs' initiation process, most notably MS13, and these activities follow them for the rest of their lives.
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