The downside of this fine project is that I will have to stay with my parents in my small home town for the time I am working. I would've continued on living in Bergen, where my entire social network is, but then I would have to pay rent for the entire semester, even for the time I will be away (its nearly impossible to find someone who are willing to pay rent for my room for 3 months). At home, I live for free while working. I'll survive:) - and, in 2012 I'll be back in Bergen starting a new year of studies at the Univeristy (english).
Here is my first draft of the travel:

1. Santiago de Chile
2. Cordoba, Argentina
3. Buenos Aires, Argentina
4. Iguazu Falls, Argentina/Brasil
5. Sao Paolo, Brasil
6. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
7. San Jose, Costa Rica
8. Nicaragua
9. Honduras
10. El Salvador
11. Guatemala, Antigua
12. Guatemala City, Guatemala
13. Tikal, Guatemala
14. Belize
As you can tell, Central America is pretty much up in the air as for now. I dont know exactly which cities I'd like to go to yet - still pretty ignorant on the area.
I would also very much like to end off the trip by going to the United States to see my best friend Madelyn again:)
My second travel option would include Mexico and the States. But then I would drop Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras and El Salvador. If I go back to Mexico it would be because of personal reasons, to see my friends and Fernando. Its been a long time since I left Mexico, and at back then I didnt really have any intentions of returing, but since then Fer and I have stayed in touch and we continue to be very fond of each other:) It's not easy to know what to prioritize, but it is something I def. will have to think about.
Any recommendations as to where's worth visiting on the journey?
2 kommentarer:
you defenitely need to visit... mmmm... lets say Guanajuato? extrañas a tu Fernando flakita??
claro que sí extraño a mi fernandito:D y no te preocupes, por supuesto regresaré a gto!
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