im not so sad anymore. today was a good day. i think it was because i went shopping. i bought gifts for my brothers for xmas, and i went to Cafe Opera, my favorite cafe, with an old friend, Heidi. it was very nice to catch up a bit. we haven't talked since last january. meanwhile she's been to nepal and ive been a bit all over. heidi is a very funny and geniously nice person. she also has the to-die-for "brønnøysund"-dialect.
i dont know if ive ever mentioned cafe opera before. i think i have. either way, here's an ad for you (in norwegian though):
Cafe Opera
Gjestene består hovedsaklig av studenter og personer som er interessert i kunst og kultur. Opera blir sett på som en av byens mer internasjonale caféer, noe man merker både på menyutvalget og menneskene som tilbringer tiden sin der.
På dagtid er Opera en café med mat til under hundrelappen og billige småretter, men på kveldstid blir caféen et utested med klubbkonsepter og konserter. På Café Opera vil du finne et behagelig miljø hvor du kan velge om du vil slå ut håret i førsteetasje, eller roe deg ned i sofaene i andreetasje.
i love this place. i want to work there, it seems cosey. the boss is spanish, so maybe my spanish skills would help me get a job there? :p i do need a job in order to do what i want next year. have i told you what i wanna do next year? i wanna go to Puerto Escondido in Mexico for a month. i think in March. With Christina. She need s to learn spanish and i need to get the heck away from the rain in Bergen for a bit. And i need to learn how to surf properly. larning to surf is one of the things on my do-before-you-die list. and i wanna do it while im still young. i dont wanna be 40 and learn how to surf. that'd just be silly.
Puerto Escondido.
one of my best friends, Renate, has lived there for a couple of months. it sounded like she'd had a blast. i want to smoke, surf and drink too! and get a natural tan.
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