my problem is that ive stopped spending money on other things than necessities, such as bread and cheap dinners. its an experiment to see if i can live like that for a month. ive even stopped buying tobacco (its surprisingly easy to deal).
anyhow, i go to the gym on a daily basis, but even that is starting to be a bore. im actually a bit concerned im building muscles too fast. it not like i wanna look manly lol.
every year, it seems like i fall into this emotional dump. i know it sounds dumb, but thats how it feels like. i dont know whether its all in my head or if it has anything to do with the season. i came across this on wikipedia.
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), also known as winter depression or winter blues, is a mood disorder in which people who have normal mental health throughout most of the year experience depressive symptoms in the winter or, less frequently, in the summer,[1] repeatedly, year after year. The US National Library of Medicine notes that "some people experience a serious mood change when the seasons change. They may sleep too much, have little energy, and crave sweets and starchy foods. They may also feel depressed. Though symptoms can be severe, they usually clear up."[2] The condition in the summer is often referred to as Reverse Seasonal Affective Disorder, and can also include heightened anxiety.[3]
There are many different treatments for classic (winter-based) seasonal affective disorder, including light therapies with bright lights, anti-depression medication, ionized-air administration,[4] cognitive-behavioral therapy, and carefully timed supplementation of the hormone melatonin.
Seasonal mood variations are believed to be related to light. An argument for this view is the effectiveness of bright-light therapy.[5] SAD is measurably present at latitudes in the Arctic region, such as Finland (64º 00´N) where the rate of SAD is 9.5%[6]
So, according to the authors of the SAD-section on wikipedia, exposing yourself to light therapy is an efficant treatment against the winter blues. hmmmm.... this means i would have to go tanning. that's an expensive hobby. can't afford that. besides, years from now, id get skin cancer. and i would insist that cancer would make me even more down. no tanning.
i think i have to wait for the snow to melt away.
1 kommentar:
hei Martine! Bra blogg. Vi har eit sånt lyspanel på kjøkkenbordet! Funka eigentleg bra, gir energi og tek vekk ivertfall LITT av vinterbluesen!
God jul og lykke til me flytting!
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