my best friend kjersti was there as well. we were on vacation in denmark, and near the sea. somehow i experienced a magnificant revalation of the existance of a religious spirit. if this was god or not, i do not know. this totally freaked me out, because i have always been a dedicated atheist. meanwhile, i was cleary aware of that i was dreaming, but the sensation that this was real was so overwhelming that i truly believed this was a message from the other side.
i knew this as my entire body was filled with a paralyzed bodily feeling. i was so dazzled over the entire experience because i had never felt anything like it before. i clinged to my mother and tried to walk, unsuccessfully. i spesifically recall my mother saying:
"I can't believe why I closed your eyes for the existance of a God for so long".
how corny is that right? i interpret this comment to mean that most children automatically inherit their parent's beliefs; and because my parents are humanists, i have never been exposed to the spiritual side.
my body was completly unable to move. i struggeled so hard to move a single muscle, but could not. ultimately, this awoke me from my dream. this is quite uncommon, because one usually does not wake up during the state of REM (rapid eye movement; the deepest fase of your sleep where the dreams occur). as i opened my eyes, i immediately thought something religious had happened to me and i now had no choice than to become a believer.
then i realized that i had been laying on my freaking arm, and that there hadn't been any blood circulation there; hence i had had the feeling om immobilization!!! it actually was a great relief. alot of future time going to church and fun was saved:p this contemplation led to the realization that i am in fact happy with my life and how it is. i need not a god to support my strong legs on this earth.
for pure interest, i searched for the meaning of "paralysis+dreams" on google, and a dream site suggested that this was the explanation:
"To dream that you are paralyzed, may reflect the current state of your body while you are dreaming. During the REM state of sleep, you really are immobile and paralyzed. People report that they cannot run or hit, despite how hard they try.
However, symbolically, dreaming that you are paralyzed may mean you are feeling helpless or pinned down in some aspects or circumstances of your waking life. You may feel unable to deal with a situation or that you can't do or change anything. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you are feeling emotionally paralyzed. You are having difficulties expressing your feelings."

I think and hope the first paragraph applies for my dream.
Question of the day: Have you ever experieced an out-of-body feeling?
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