it was as if a huge burden was off my shoulders
these next couple of days i will just take things as they come
im free like a bird
exam is over
it went kinda bad
and im probably going to fail
but i hope i dont
and i dont even care if i get a bad grade
as long as i dont have to preoccupy my pretty little head
with more spanish grammar
its not room for more
i want to save some space for preferred impressions
and if that makes me naive or shallow
i guess i am
the sun is shining, bob sings
so i close my eyes and remember pretty moments
and hope more of them are to come
but i dont sweat it
right now im just happy
i think being happy is a state of ambivalence
an harmonic attitude about the coexistence between both
positive and negative feelings
or maybe simply being happy about where you've been
where you are
and not knowing where you're headed
but not contemplating too much about it
because not knowing where you are going
is the beauty of it
happiness is not constant
it is bits of moments everyday
that makes everything worth while :]

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