I just watched 2012 with my brother Henrik. We are both suckers for doomsday movies. I think that science-ficton is fascinating because like to imagine how powerful nature in the worst-case-scenario can be....and how small human kind are in comparison... In the big picture, you know.
My history thus far with movies belonging to this category is rather long. As mentioned above, the 1996-Independence Day is a classic. Armageddon, I Robot, The Core, I am Legend are also on the list. The 1998-movie Deep Impact with teen-Frodo can also be mentioned. More recent movies can be Jake Gyllenhaal's The Day After Tomorrow, and Tom Cruise's War of the Worlds (hate that guy).
The rundown of most of the science-fiction movies from the last decade, is that the President of the United States of America is black and played my Morgan Freeman. The protagonists last name is Smith and usually ends up as the last living person on earth/saves mankind. At the top of this, he has helluva lotta cool frases throughout the movie - like: "No, you did NOT shoot that green shit at me!" or "(...)just a little anxious to get up there and whoop E.T.'s ass, that's all!" Which makes him look like the coolest most doable man on earth.
Although the last president of the Americas is not played by Morgan Freeman butDanny Glover Mel Gibsons sidekick in(Leathal Weapon), unfortunately, this movie is a cliché. The main character is played by the B-actor John Cusack (Must Love Dogs, Thin Red Line, Con Air), whom by my opinion doesn't quite measure up for the part. The movie is based on the the warning of the indigenous Mayan Calender, that has foreseen the end of the world for 2000 years, while the rest of the world have been oblivious. Tagline: We Were Warned. Cusack plays Jackson Curtis, a unsuccesful writer and a divorced man. He's bitter on his ex-wifes new boyfriend, who his own son seems to prefer to him. So he decides to take his kids on on a hiking trip to the Yellowstone National Park for some quality time to restore the lost harmony. Here he encounters a mad/genious conspirator, played by no other than Woody Harrelson, who sends out his warnings on his own radio channel from the Park. Slowly he begins to learn that the nature isn't as it should be and that there's some suspicious things going on with the army on the site. The ground starts to shake and make huge cracks dramatically in a grocery store. Curtis travels back to town, picks up his ex-wife and her new boyfriend. They miraculously makes their way through a collapsing city, inspired by 60 in Sixty Seconds and alot of luck. Then they manouvre themselves away in a mini airplan just as the entire city is sinking into the core of the earth. They are able to make their way to China in order to get on the giant modern "Noah's Ark" (which the government has been secretly constructing over the past two years in order to save mankind). There are also other important characters included in the movie, like the geologist Adrian Helmsley (Chiwetel Ejiofor - American Gangster, Love Actually). There are huge natural disasters, a lot of unlikely luck,and last minute resolutions. And it all comes down to a 158 minutes long motion picture. long.
Well, nothing I haven't seen before. Some of the scenes were very predictable. Fair enough for easy entertaining. I speculate that the director, german Roland Emmerich, plays on all the strings his paranoid american audience possibly have. Would it surprise you if I revealed that he was also behind The Day After Tomorrow,
Independence Day and Godzilla? Hehe.
I throw my dice and give it....a 4.

Afterwards Henrik and I discussed the movie over lasange and pizza at Pasta Centralen. What we found the most curious was that the italian President had patriotically chosen to stay with his country in stead of joining the Ark. I mean c'mon - I doubt Silvio Berlusconi would have gone down with his ship:p
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