first off i should probably share this with you guys. in the beginning of my stay here i randomly met this tall guy. i was sitting waiting for some friends in the stairs of Teatro Juarez, when his guy, arturo, walks by and decides to sit down and talk to me. i found him odd and incorrect, but in interesting way. being new in town and not knowing alot of ppl, i was naive enough to be open to get to know this stranger., because i wanted to make friends and have someone to conversate with in spanish. i agreed to go on a date with him once. and another day we hung out. he took my hand and told me he was in love with me and asked if i would be his girlfriend. i said no, that this was way too early to speak of such etc. after a while i heard rumours of this guy around town, and everybody was saying this guy is "loco". i soon figured out that this wasnt far away from the truth. he does drugs, bothers ppl and steals etc.
he kept on sending me texts describing how beautiful i am and what not, and it started to become annoying. i decided to break off whatever he thought was going on, so i met him in a garden. i told him that i did not want a boyfriend and this time and that i wanted to be alone. he didnt seem to take alot of notice of this and continued on as if nothing had happened. i figured he was okay with it and pretended not to care.
the following days he kept on texting me and saying he wanted to meet me. i reluctantly answered politely, but in a strictly platonic way. on valentine´day he called me, but i didnt answer. the second time he called, i answered. he asked me where i was at, bc he wanted to give me a gift. i reluctantly said where i was and he came to find me. i accepted the gifts (eventhough i prolly shouldn´t have), but told him that i didnt have anything for him. he said all that he wanted was my company. but i already had plans with some other friends in the park, so i told him i could not. then he said that he could walk with me to the park and we could say ´hello´, and leave. i was very bothered. i started walking in the direcction of the park, but i had to stop. i said: i appreciate your gift and everything, but i dont think you understood what i was saying to you the other day. I - AM - NOT - IN - LOVE- WITH -YOU. and wish to be alone. and i want to walk alone to the park." then he leans forward to kiss me! WTF! you dont respect someone when you do stuff like that right after getting a message like that... i turned away and said ´bye´and walked away.

after school i usually go to a café near the university, that´s called "Antik". unfortunately, this Arturo guy is often there as well, and one day he came into the café and sat down next to me. he told me he had been going to my school looking for me like crazy. i was politely ignoring him, but he didn´t get the hint. the staff of the café have told me that they dont like having him there., bc he doesnt pay and bothers the other customers... i shut down my laptop and payed for my coffee and left asap. but he insisted on following me... fuck.
the following night i awoke at 5 am., my phone was ringing. i answered in a daze. it was him. "Good night", he said. wtf. i hung up and turned off my phone. i overslept in the morning bc i hadnt been able to sleep much afterwards. i walked with whitney on the way to school, and we discussed the difficult situation i was having. she was on my side and advised me to be more harsh with him, bc he obviously wasnt getting it. - while i was sitting in my drawing class, i noticed in the corner of my left-eye him entering the classroom. he came over to me. i put down my drawing board and told him to go outside of the classroom with me. when we were outside i asked him "Are you here for me?" He answered that yes, he was. I told him that I did´nt care for that and nor did i like that he was calling me at 5 AM. Then he asked me "Are you angry?" - "SÍ!" i walked back into the classroom. one minute after he reentered, but walked over to the professor to talk about art. this presence really bothered me and i couldnt stand it. i got up and left the room..i went to the administration upstairs to talk to barbra, a nice lady thats there to help us in either way. i asked her if i could have a chat with her and she let me into her office. i was very frustrated with the situation and i didnt feel there was much left that i could do at this point about this guy. i started crying and explained what was going on, and that i really didnt like that he was in my classroom.
she was very understanding, gave me a hug and promised that there were plenty of things one could do abt the situation...
- loooong story sort of short; the art director heard abt it, and kicked him out of the school, telling him to stop bothering his students and that he is never allowed to access the school again. shortly after the "school guard" turns up with a policeman! they asked me some questions abt the situation and some practical info. the policeman told me he was going to go looking for him in the streets to have a chat with him.
the next day nothing happend. but i was scared of walking alone in the streets- looking over my shoulders, scared to meet him again. i hate feeling like that, like downgraded; pathetic and frightend. thats not me. i actually felt that the situation had worsoned after the indicent at school...that he might be mad at me and do something. but it was not i who had called the police. i felt that the situation was beyond my control at this point.
i didnt walk my usual route back home that day, but took another path that was more remote. less chance of encounter.
today the telephone rang. it was Barbra from the Uni. She told us that Arturo had been detained in jail! Because of me?? Me and ´mom´ walked to the police station to fill in a restraining order. At the police station they told us that, yes, this man had been detained there for abt 12 hours earlier, but was now on the loose. they informed ut that is was not bc of he`s stalking of me, but bc he hadnt payed for a meal at a restaurant... so it had been an misunderstanding. it kinda felt as a relief that he wasnt jailed bc of me. everything seemed so dramatic, and im not used to dealing with stuff like this. im too polite, scared of hurting someones emotions...which ultimately leads to me loosing the game.
we decided to come back on monday to make a so-called "acta" against his person. This means that the police will make personal contact with him and tell him that he cant come so-and-so meters near me again. that would be great to me. but at the same time i am having an ethic dilemma. i feel that the involvement from the police was not something i iniciated and that its too dramatic doing all of this. i feel sorry for him, bc he obviously has alot of problems...and i feel this may be too much. that the entire world is against him. but i over-think the situation. i dont have any responibility for him and all i want is to be left alone. this thing has taken alot of energy and worry from me, and all i wish right now is to get on with my wonderful life in Guanajuato.
the good news are;
i think i am in love!
at last!

you put a smile upon my face.