
torsdag 16. april 2009

"No hay nadie como tú"

Calle 13 & Cafe Tacvba

me encanta esta canción! esta cancion habla sobre todas las cosas de nuestro mundo.
no te precopes el chico en el video...el video no es el original. pues bajo hay los lyricos:

En el mundo hay gente bruta y astuta,
hay vírgenes y prostitutas.
Ricos, pobres, clase media,
cosas bonitas y un par de tragedias.
Hay personas gordas, medianas y flacas,
caballos, gallinas, ovejas y vacas.
Hay muchos animales con mucha gente,
personas cuerdas y locos demente.
En el mundo hay mentiras y falsedades,
hechos, verdades y casualidades,
hay mentalidades horizontales, verticales y diagonales.
Derrotas y fracasos accidentales,
medallas, trofeos y copas mundiales.
En el mundo hay vitaminas y proteínas,
marihuana, éxstasis y cocaína.
Hay árboles, ramas, hojas y flores,
hay muchas montañas de colores.
En el mundo hay decisiones divididas,
entradas, salidas, debut, despedidas.
Hay inocentes, hay homicidas,
hay muchas bocas y poca comida.
Hay gobernantes y presidentes,
hay agua fría y agua caliente.
En el mundo hay micrófonos y altoparlantes,
hay seis mil millones de habitantes.
Hay gente ordinaria y gente elegante,
pero, pero, pero...

CORO x2:
No hay nadie como tú
no hay nadie como tú mi amor,
No hay nadie como tú.

En el mundo siempre se mueve la tierra,
hay tanques de oxígeno, tanques de guerras.
El sol y la luna nos dan energía,
se duerme de noche y se vive de día.
Hay gente que rectifica lo que dice,
hay mucha gente que se contradice.
Hay algarrobas y alga marinas,
hay vegetarianos y carnicerías.
Hay tragos amargos y golosinas,
hay enfermedades y medicinas.
Hay bolsillos llenos, carteras vacías,
hay más ladrones que policías.
hay religiones, hay ateísmo,
hay capitalismo y comunismo.
Aunque nos parecemos no somos los mismos,
porque, porque...

CORO x2:
No hay nadie como tú
no hay nadie como tú mi amor,
No hay nadie como tú.

En el mundo existen muy buenas ideas,
hay Don Quijotes y Dulcineas.
Hay sexo en el baño, sexo en la cama,
sexo sin ropa, sexo en pijama.
Hay cosas reales y melodramas,
hay laberintos y crucigramas.
Existen llamadas que nadie contesta,
hay muchas preguntas y pocas respuestas.
Hay gente valiente, gente con miedo,
gente que el mundo no le importa un bledo.
Gente parada, gente sentada,
gente soñando, gente despertando.
Hay gente que nace, gente que muere,
Hay gente que odia y gente que quiere.
En este mundo hay mucha gente,
pero, pero, pero...

CORO x7:
No hay nadie como tú
no hay nadie como tú mi amor,
No hay nadie como tú.

English translation (translated on

In the world there is brutal and rough people,
there is virgins and prostitutes.
Rich, poor, average class,
pretty things and a pair of tragedies.
There are thin, medium, and fat people,
horses, chickens, sheep and cows.
There are many animals with many people,
people cords and demented lunatics.
In the world there are lies and falsehoods,
facts, truths and coincidences,
there are vertical, horizontal mentalities and diagonals.
You defeat and accidental failures, medals, trophies and world cups.
In the world there are vitamins and proteins,
marijuana, ecstasy and cocaine.
There are trees, branches, leaves and flowers,
there are many mountains of colors.
In the world there are decisions divided,
entrances, exits, débuts, farewells.
There are innocent, there is murderers,
there are many mouths and little food.
There are rulers and presidents,
there is cold water and hot water.
In the world there are microphones and loudspeakers,
there are six billion inhabitants.
There is ordinary people and elegant people, but, but, but... CHORUS x2:
There is not nobody as you there is not nobody like you my love,
there is not nobody as you.

In the world always moves the land,
there are tanks of oxygen, tanks of wars.
The sun and the moon give us energy, sleeps at night and lives on itself day.
There is people that rectifies what says,
there is many people that is contradicted.
There are carobs and marine alga,
there is vegetarians and meat markets
There are bitter pills and delicacies,
there are illnesses and medicines.
There are full pockets, empty accounts receivable,
there are more thieves than police officers.
There are religions, there is atheism there is capitalism and communism.
Although we seem we are not the same, because, because CHORUS x2:
There is not nobody as you there is not nobody like you my love, there is not nobody as you.

In the world very good ideas exist, there is Mr. Quijotes and Dulcineas.
There is sex in the bath, sex in the bed, sex without clothes, sex in pajamas.
There are real things and melodramas,
there are labyrinthes and crosswords.
Calls exist that nobody answers,
there are many questions and few answers.
There is brave people, people with fear,
people that the world does not import him a bledo
People stop, seated people, people dreaming, people awaking.
There is people that is born, people.,.... that dies, there is people that hates and people that wants.
In this world there is many people, but, but, but... CHORUS x7:
There is not nobody as you there is not nobody like you my love, there is not nobody as you.

Un canción buenísimo! <3

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