Tetris - classic mind fuck.
i kveld er BOLLEKVELD. det går ut på at det er kveld og at det er boller med i bildet. vi småler litt av begrepet og lurer på om dersom dansker leser det, om de synes det høres kinky ut. det får de bare gjøre med det forvridde språket sitt.
liv unni uttrykker forresten at tore andre flo er folkets favoritt i "skal vi danse". han er sjarmerende klønete, og en anti-helt er aldri å fordra for det norske folk. henviser til kurt nilsen som vant idol i norge og deltok i world idol. han ble beskyldt av simon powell for å se ut som en hobbit. publikum sympatiserte, og vips! meiet han over kelly clarkson og stakk av med den gjeveste prisen.

Kurt Nilsen - den stereotypiske anti-helt.
oh; qute story: i walked down the streets the other day and this nice lady stopped me. she asked if i wanted a leaflet with the title: "If God loves us, he must care." i was hung over from last night and giggled a little before i responded: "Im an atheist." she gave me an encouraging look, shook her head and said: "Oh well..." end of story.
and, one more thing. i wanted to share a new vid with you guys. i find it very catchy as of now, but i suppouse the song will be seriously over-played by the radio stations in the following weeks, and i will end up hating it eventually. anyways, here it is:
Lady GaGa ft Colby O'Donis - Just Dance
she's suppousedly the new it-girl. "Just Dance" is featuring Colby O'Donis (also known as the new prodogy of Akon with the video "What You Got" - a very easily forgotten r'n'b song). Akon also appears in a sofa in "Just Dance". random? hardly. its how new stars get settled; by guest appearances of already established artists. see, it all started with Dr. Dre. His muse was Eminem. Eminem introduced 50 Cent, who started featuring artists like Akon and NeYo (i think). Akon has Colby O'Donis, who is now introducing Lada Gaga. The circle never ends! Theory of the day.

Circle: Eminem and Dr. Dre
this is not only a phenonomen in the music industry. we can rewind a couple of years and take a look on Andy Warhol and the groups surrounding his spotlight. we will find for example in his 1967 album cover for the Velvet Underground. His cover design of their first album (featuring a banana] became so famous that it will be remembered foremost for the cover and not the music.

Andy Warhols cover of "The Velvet Underground and Nico"
furthermore; warhol befriended the messed-up and rich Edie Sedgwick and made her his muse on social events. she bacame a star overnight, and is know to be one of the first "it-girls" in history (along with Marilyn and Audry).

"It-girl": Edie Sedgwick, Andy Warhols muse.
Sedgewick along with Lady GaGa, has also the english model/artist Agyness Dean been foreseen to become an it-girl in the medias. She also sings in the band Five O'Clock Heroes. Until recently she was a member of the now defunct group Lucky Knitwear. It has been rumoured that she has formed another band, Gene Jacket, but this is yet to be substantiated. She has recently announced engagement to Albert Hammond, Jr. of The Strokes.

"It-girl": Agyness Deyn, supermodel/artist.
so, question: how does one become an it-girl? pretty face+famous friends=success. or you could just live on your rich dads money and star in an adult home video like Paris did. she is famous for not having a reason to be famous. worked out for her now, didn't it?

Paris Hilton starring in..du-du-d-dumm: "One Night in Paris"
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